Saturday, May 26, 2012



A way to de-stressed is to do something free and stress-less. Got a box of soft pastel for myself few days back. Now am happily venturing into my own way of de-stressed. De-stressed should also comes with creativity is it not?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Tree of hope- soft pastel drawing.
Created this out of boredom. Life these days are difficult, and almost colourless. What we see everyday is some metal pieces with screen that reflected the whole virtual world. Our form of communication are all depends on those gadgets. What's the last time you actually dirtied your hands and draw something that is not for work/school work? We LIVE for ourselves...not for others, and certainly not LIVE to operate on metal pieces, talking to metal pieces and LED screen. I seriously prefer old school colour pigments. Even the rough texture of charcoal would have pleased me. Its time to think and do something out of the box. 

Note: Who knows? I may crazily turn this into a Xmas card one day...

Monday, May 21, 2012


从印度来的其中一份礼物。 手工制手绘的帆布袋。 

教授的出现, 早在去年就已经给我带来的很大的改变。无论是态度上, 思想上, 学业上和心理上都有很大的转变。在我的种种目标都很不明确时,教授出现了。刚开始和他相处时,他给予的指导犹如当头棒喝般,把我从迷雾中唤醒过来。 那个一刻起, 我才慢慢的觉悟起来, 生活也大大的改变了,过得莫名的充实。 

很多时候, 我都会在想, 要是当时没有那些美丽的错误, 这个时候, 我过的会是什么样的日子。 教授, 对我来说是一位启蒙老师, 但是他对我来说更像是一位父亲。 教授恰恰的填补了我那内心失去父亲的空洞。 在我眼里, 他就像是我的父亲一样, 虽然在远方,联络的方式也只是通过电邮短信, 但是我知道, 很肯定的, 任何时候, 如果我需要他的帮忙, 他都会在我身旁支持我。我知道当我面对生活上, 课业上的问题时, 只要我向他寻求意见, 他肯定会给予我意见, 关怀和鼓励。 这一点我至今不怀疑。 我的电邮短信,他都一一回复。 而我喜欢道早安/晚安的习惯, 想必也给他带来了麻烦, 而,他都回复了。 我喜欢那种打开电邮,可以读到有人道早安的电邮的那种感觉,简单的早安的字眼, 会让我的一天都变得美好。就因为这样, 所以我几乎天天的都给他道早安晚安。 另外这也是如果父亲依然健在的话, 我很想要天天做的事。

有的时候, 对于生活有些无奈, 他会告诉我说,一切都会还起来的。就这样简单的一句话, 有的时候我就会觉得好很多, 仿佛所有的事都会好起来。 他的话, 很多时候都是很简单的道理, 但是往往都是我们忽略掉的。


Thursday, May 17, 2012


经常会提醒自己, 特别是受伤时, 无论你再做的怎么好,再怎么样的尽力都还会有人不满意的。 没能所谓的完美, 没能去迁就每一个人的需要。 往往, 一天下来, 自己在努力过后承担的都是别人的埋怨, 别人的不满。 没有人会拍拍你的肩膀说你做了对, 只会听到别人说, 你应该怎么样怎么样的, 没有人会给你感激。 即使再迁就别人, 也还是顺得哥来失嫂意。 唯一不了解的是, 即便老早就知道了这个道理, 还是会别人的话而大大的受伤害。 以为自己已经越来越坚强了, 但是没有想到, 自己的坚强程度还有待大大的改进。 真是丢人。

另一厢, 自己在送机是还算不错,没有像上一次般的控制不了眼泪。虽然独自一人回来的时候还是掉了伤感的眼泪。固中的原由,还是只有自己知。倒是隔天到学校时,听说某人问起友人, 是不是大大清早的去送机(早上6时), 所以没有时间掉眼泪。 这好像和早上或是晚上没什么干系。也许, 存粹的只是想要揶揄我吧。

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Being a translator.

This year, the 19th Beijing College Student Films Festival (第十九届北京大学生电影节) has chosen USM as one of their sub-division. I was honoured to be one of their language translators for the event, and also for the distinguished guests from Beijing Normal University (北京师范大学). It was my very first time being a translator. Later, I realized being a translator, your hardest task is to convey the information to the audiences as close as the original text, in your way of saying without adding in your personal view.  Our guests were Dean of School of Arts and Multimedia, Beijing Normal University Prof Zhou (周星教授), his students and General secretary of 19th Beijing College Student Films Festival ( 李国芳老师). 

It was an great honour to be able to receive wonderful inputs from them. Besides all that, sitting on stage as the translator was one hell of experience to me. Sitting under the stage light, trying to understand what was the speakers trying to say, and putting them into proper sentences in language that is not my first language. Well, i think i did it okay, and it did boast my confidence a little. Immense gratitude for those involved in this event. Opportunity that given is highly appreciated.

Photos, courtesy of

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

PEACE ;有感而发

The "PEACE" A little creation for this post. Who does not ask for peace of mind?

曾几何时, 我们对人,事,与物等都抱有满怀的期待。记不起打从什么时候开始, 我们开始从原有的期待,进阶到不再要求,默默的耕耘。 一直到失望,告诉自己要放开,  再次失望,再次的自我疗伤。 一次一次的就这样循环着。 直到终于舍得告诉自己, “你的周围没有别人, 在工作的地方, 你只是一个孤儿, 一个善良没有心机的个体,一不留神的那一瞬间就会被狠狠地打压在地。” 你让自己放下, 不让自己再次傻傻的捧着那一丝希望, 然后有所期待。 

看了那么多同样主题的一幕幕, 听了同样意思的一句句台词,纵然不一样的演员,不一样的背景, 但是受伤的还不是同样的我们。 放下吧! 


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