Sunday, October 30, 2011

Unforgettable Diwali Getaway 3

Unforgettable Diwali Getaway 2

Unforgettable Diwali Getaway

Deepavali (Tamil), Diwali (Hindi) is the festival of lights celebrated by Hindus. This year, was happened to be invited by a friend to spent 3 days in Pantai Remis, Perak with her lovely family. Her house is situated inside a oil palm estate. I love the smell of boiling of oil palm fruits that smelled like boiling chestnut. My phone line(Maxis) didn't have proper signal there, so i just left it there and didn't bother to bring it with me. I even removed my watch as i didn't see the meaning of knowing the time when i was there. Serene environment and very calming and relaxing. We arrived a day before Diwali, helped with some cookies baking, had a wonderful ride in motorbikes traversing the little stoney pathway between rows of nicely lined oil palm tree. Cooling and refreshing breeze caressed our face. At the eve, we prepared kolam, for me, its the very first time.

On Diwali, i experienced the oil bath ritual performed by friend's mum, and was blessed, received a "pink" packet and got a new cloth from the parents. Then, i wore the Salwar Kameez (Punjabi Suit) lent by my friend for the very first time. I followed them to perform a prayer at a temple in the estate. After returning from the temple, we had our breakfast. I had 3 dosa and 1 Idly....together with lots of curry and chutney. After meal, we went to a friend place. On the way, my energy was drained by the fermented food that i had for breakfast. Feeling extremely sleepy in the car....Just couldn't open up my eyes. Then we visited Kellie's Castle. A beautiful castle built by a Scottish man in the early of 19th century in Batu Gajah, Perak. That evening, we made a quick stop at UTP before heading friend's place. Experienced thunderstorm on the way back from UTP.

Had wonderful dinner, and watched a Tamil comedy, Tamil version of "I Robot" named "Endhiran" It was super funny. Then we slept very well....The next day, had morning stroll in her house garden, donated some blood to the mosquitoes there, had breakfast, chit chat, and left around 1.30pm with packed lunch box that contained so many love. Headed to Taiping town as planned, but could foresee the coming thunderstorm, so decided to scrap the Taiping plan and had a impromptu picnic lunch outside of a closed restaurant with table and chairs on the front porch of the shop. Had the most wonderful lunch experience. Then, drove all the way back to Penang, reached home around5pm. Feeling tired and sleepy right after arriving home.

It was a wonderful experience indeed. Learned a lot and blessed with all the love in the world. We 4, Suguna, (Malaysian Indian), Asha (India Indian), DR. CJ (Nigerian, Christian) and me (Malaysian Chinese) are from different background, culture and some even nationality are a fantastic group together. Only thing similar is, we are all from PPTI USM, for now.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Baby Nephew 1st Birthday

Time flies....My cutie nephew just turned into 1 year-old. He had his birthday with company of lots of Barney... :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Morning coffee is important for someone like me. The aroma and the test of the coffee woke my mind up. Coffee, which in Tamil language is known as "Kaapi"...Thanks to my friends for introducing me to this wonderful coffee.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


帮助别人的时候, 总会令自己有所反省。 看见别人帮助别人时, 也有种种的感动。 现今的社会里, 还有多少人真正的打开心房, 对别人掏心。 帮助别人可以是行动上, 也可以是言语上的。 很多的时候, 某些人可能需要的只是简单几个字的鼓励和安慰, 能够帮助到他们, 何乐而不为?
我一直都觉得字面上的情感是不容忽视的, 文字中总会让读的人深切地感受到其中的情绪。 就如我们往往可以从别人的一行字里就感受到其中的不安或是受干扰的情绪。 这时候, 我们能做的就是体恤一下那人, 也可以让他打开心房, 把心里烦恼的事情说出来。 也许我们无法提供正确的解决方案, 但是最起码我们了解了那人的痛苦。 适当的时候可以给予他人一些勇气和肯定, 让他们对自己的决定更有信心。 很多时候, 这些受困扰的人心里都已经有了解决方案或是想法, 这时候我们可以做的就只有鼓励他们, 给予他们信心。

不要忽略掉身边看似坚强的人, 很多时候他们都会需要别人的鼓励。

Thursday, October 6, 2011


A picture speaks a thousand word.
A VIP asked another VIP at the award ceremony:" do you agree that a picture speaks a thousand words?" He answered:" That's why i love looking at my wife's picture rather than seeing her in real person. The picture of her will says a thousand words. When i go back home from work, she will be at the door and saying ten thousand words to me, that's why..."

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cutie Pie (4)

Cutie pie was happily splashing the water


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