Monday, November 29, 2010

Emergency II

My sister-in-law accidentally broken her leg in the middle of the night, around 2am to be exact. It was kind of serious and was sent to hospital. I have been called up to help to take care of my baby nephew who was sleeping. I waked up my younger brother and asked him to go with me. Although he didn't really want to go with me...but i kind of forced him to do so, i left him no choice...

Luckily i waked my brother and forced him to go with me. My sister-in-law practically couldn't move at all and was sitting on the floor when i arrived. She could really used some help at that moment.

I was actually doing preparation work for my Sunday's class. I prepared to burn the mid-night oil for the preparation work but never imagined it later changed into this. Due to the emergency, i have no choice but to cancel off my Sunday morning class. I have to take care of the baby nephew on my own from middle of the night to the noon. My mum had to be in her noodle stall because she had promised her customers that she will be there and she had prepared lots of ingredients for the business. So, i was all by myself.

I have prepared my Sunday lesson plan, I plan to share the Gingerbread man story with my students. Guess that this all Gingerbread man stuff will have to be postponed.

By the way, it's amazing to see how fast baby's eyelashes grow in one week time.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Babysitting OT

Baby nephew needed an emergency babysitting session this afternoon. He was out from morning till 2pm. He was very tired, so they called for emergency babysitter, who was me on call at that moment. :)
Spent another half day with this little cutie. There was a moment, he was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling and didn't even move a muscle. I bet that he was too tired to even move. I like to call that action as "thinking winter melon".
He gave me superb little smile but didn't really capture a picture on that perfect moment. What i got was only this. This little guy now knows how to response to my talking by making some cute sound when i talk to him.

[Food]Cappuccino 2

Cappuccino making, Part 2.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Manage to create a cup of good cappuccino this evening. I even had Cinnamon Stick to add in more exotic flavor to my coffee. The milk froth on top of it was created by using simple "machine" that i got from IKEA not long ago. The milk froth tasted great, smooth and almost creamy. I am so addicted to it, since last week, i had been having my coffee in homemade cappuccino way everyday whenever i made a cup of coffee.

P/S: Su Hui, can't wait to let you try this.....I made it into half the caffeine content so i think you will still be able to sleep after drinking this..... :)

P/S 2 : Jing Fen, i remember i still owing you a cup of cappuccino that i said i will specially make it for you when you come by my place....Still owing you.... :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Babysitting. Day 1

Photo of baby Lucas before hair cutting :)

Babysitting my baby nephew today. He is one month old today. Overall, i and feeling great and he did okay for today. Happy 1st day babysitting for me. Going to sleep very early tonight.... thanks to him :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Movie: Unmistaken Child

Movie poster of Unmistaken Child

This is a movie that talks about a young disciples, Tenzin Zopa from Nepal, in the journey of searching his master reincarnation. In the movie, it shows us what is the process of the people who believe in reincarnation of their great master, identify the "unmistaken child".

After the direction, hints on the parent's name of the family that the great master may reincarnated at, and the age of the possible kids that may be the gifted one are given, Tenzin Zopa starts his journey. He goes back to his village where he was born and was also was the place that his late-great master once stayed for a long time.

Along the journey, this young monk, Tenzin Zopa tells his story of how he fells that he is destined to this life. After a great long search, he finally meets a potential kid,a cute little boy between age 1 to1 1/2 who has taken the rosary that was once used by the great master. The small kid never let Tenzin Zopa takes away the rosary after wearing it.

Tenzin Zopa then goes back and tell this to the senior. He is then asked to be stay with this special kid and is ordered to "keep the boy clean". After the boy successfully taken the "identification" tests. He is given a name new name.

The story goes more interesting when you see how the boy reacts. He acts like he is born with it. He remembers the place where he stay on his previous life as the great master, Geshe Lama Konchog. Everything he does, he does it naturally. When he looks at a picture of Geshe Lama Konchog, he tells Tenzin Zopa that, that's him.

Tezin Zopa stays with this kid for some years until everything is official. This little boy is recognized as the reincarnation of Geshe Lama Konchog and is named Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche. This chubby little boy, after the recognition of the reincarnation, has to leave his birth parents and be brought to the Kopan Monastery. There, begins his journey of a reincarnated master.

Along the story, the relationship and bond building between Tenzin Zopa and Rinpoche are fascinating and did manage to win my tears. This is a very interesting, down to earth real story. It gives an insight to what is reincarnation to the peoples who believe it. The proof that given in the story will make somehow no doubt and believe into this "magic".

The chubby kid in the poster is the one, the precious one, Tenzin Phuntsok Rinpoche. He even been to Malaysia and Singapore before, several years back.From the news report on his visit to Malaysia and Singapore, he is just a kid, has kid behavior and likes to eat McDonald.

Whoever would like to watch this movie, be prepare to be touched and impressed by this movie. It is not easy to get in DVD. I have tried to look from several major DVD store but ended up downloading a version with English subtitles.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Saw two boats staying peacefully on the sea water. I wonder who is in the boat, and what are they doing....sunbathing, fishing....maybe they are just there to admire today's beautiful weather.

Saw a girl walking pass in front of me, her hairstyle looks a lot like a friend of mine, her body size too. Looking at her from her back, she reminded me that my friend who is currently thousand miles away, wondering how is she doing now.

Having warm caffeine rush into the brain, with the comfortable surrounding, people chit-chating and the noise made by flipping pages on the books and magazine. I like this environment, especially with dime light, cool air and warm coffee.

Feeling grateful of being at this place, looking out the windows, i see crowded world, the contrast version of my world now. I wonder, do i really like this way of living which i occasionally skip away from the reality and dip my head into a fantasy-worry-less-world.

Saw a interesting group of people. One middle age woman, wearing semi-formal and in heels. Laptop bag was standing quietly on the floor, i can see an Apple Ipod headphone jutting out from her handbag. Opposite her was a man, sitting quietly, looks nervous and hands crouched in front of his chest. A young girl sitting next to him, long hair, slim and looks nervous too.

A moment later, i saw the woman started to asked question and flipping a file. I saw something looks like a resume and certificates in that clear holder. Then i realized, there was some kind of interviewing session going on. I wonder, what type of company will conduct job interview in this type of place?


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