Saturday, December 31, 2011


Year 2011 is a life changing year for me. Many things were learnt, great people were met. Massive influences were received. Heart was broken but mended. The hollowness was filled with love from people around me.

I did something great, did something stupid but ended up be the most precious mistake that i ever made. Life was experienced amazingly in foreign land. Nothing I shall ask for more.

To my dear friends and family, have a great year.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

2011-合艾 3天2夜 1

久违了的泰国合艾,那一个曾几何时我经常去的地方 。可以第一次的和 一班友人开心的畅游合艾是多么的难得。三天两夜的行程是排的满满的,同行的有Asha, Nathaneal, 淑蕙和母亲,小弟和女友共7人。 在清晨时分行驶过槟威大桥,天渐渐的亮了,橙红色的街灯,车灯和远处的灯火完美的点缀了迷蒙的宝蓝色天空。车子开上大桥时的那一段路,平静的海面,带有神秘感的晖映了街灯和大桥中央结构的灯光点缀。车子一路的开往泰国的方向,沿路经过了美丽的稻田, 这个季节,田园中均是绿油油的稻田。 阳光耀眼的带出了稻田的生气,青葱草绿的,仿佛是呆在冷气车子里也可以闻到清新的春天带有的独特气息。

进三个小时的路程,我们终于到了这个有一个小时时差的美丽国度。过了关口,见到的是孑然不一样的风景。在过了关口的第一个小镇是一个叫Sadao的地方,我们一路的往前奔驶,一片片的橡胶园由我们的两旁飞闪而过。透过车上的窗,见到了当地人逍遥淳朴的风情和友善的笑容。在车里,我们讨论了泰语的文字,感觉像是得从右边给读起的,也发现了他们的文字,没有如英语般的每一个字都有空格, 感觉一口气念完整个句子很有可能会断气。 谈谈笑笑的就到了合艾我们降下塌的酒店。Rado Hotel,就坐落在与BP Grand Hotel的同一条街道上。 非常靠近市中心 ,一条街直走就可以到达Lee Garden Plaza和 Central Shopping Mall。在酒店登记后,我们就开始外出吃午餐。 眼光明媚的合艾可以说是和天气预测差个十万八千里,当时的曼谷可是深陷在大雨和洪水灾的恶劣情况,难得的我们在雨季的合艾可以见到蓝天白云,让我们不舍得就这样的躲在室内里购物,所以决定了户外活动。午餐后,我们就在街上截了一辆TukTuk,经过讨价还价后,司机同意以一人50Baht的价钱接送我们来回到邻近的卧佛寺(Wat Hat Yai Nai)。给人和槟城卧佛寺有着不一样的感觉的卧佛寺, 是个开放式的寺庙。虽然没有槟城卧佛寺那么的堂皇但是这35米长的卧佛却给人一种心灵自然的平静。之后我又和司机商量以便宜的价钱接送我们到近卧佛寺的其他寺庙,善良的司机后来决定了以100Baht/人的载送到另外两间的寺庙。当然他也不忘在我和他讨价还价时取笑我说遇见他是我们大家幸运,我也不忘作弄他说你遇见我们才是你幸运呢!回程,见到了美丽的田园景色,矮矮的稻米未到成熟时,淡淡的绿色,外加路上车子行驶过飞上来的尘土,别有一番风味。到了酒店门口,给了司机钱,向他道谢的当儿也不忘祝福他顺风(泰语:chuk dee)。 在父亲还在世的时候,我没有好好的向他学泰语,只是听了学了一点简单的单字, 和学了一点当地的文化,所以只会有限的单字。

休息了一下, 我们就正式的投入购物天堂合艾的怀抱。 难得的我们选的来的日子是泰国水灯节(Loy Krathong), 所以傍晚时分就到一间近河流的庙宇去放水灯许愿,并且让水灯把厄运都带走。 另外水灯也是用来答谢水神的祭品。 一般水灯的价钱为30-60baht,一些比较特别的水灯就有不一样的价钱。水灯的基座一般为香蕉叶和香蕉树干。拿着自己选了的水灯,点上了水灯里的蜡烛和香,走到河边,在满月的加持下,在河里的泰国小男孩接过了水灯就帮你把水灯放到河中央,让河流把水灯带走。放了水灯, 在那 庙宇两旁似庙会的庆典小摊子,卖了各式各样的小食。 我们胆粗粗的试了香脆蚱蜢外加好多的小食。

过完水灯节的放水灯仪式, 我们回到了市区,又继续了我们的购物。 夜里,大家都熟睡到像婴儿般,可谓真的是累坏了。也许,大家都真正的放松了,放开了都市的烦恼也放开了平日的担忧。

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Unforgettable Diwali Getaway 3

Unforgettable Diwali Getaway 2

Unforgettable Diwali Getaway

Deepavali (Tamil), Diwali (Hindi) is the festival of lights celebrated by Hindus. This year, was happened to be invited by a friend to spent 3 days in Pantai Remis, Perak with her lovely family. Her house is situated inside a oil palm estate. I love the smell of boiling of oil palm fruits that smelled like boiling chestnut. My phone line(Maxis) didn't have proper signal there, so i just left it there and didn't bother to bring it with me. I even removed my watch as i didn't see the meaning of knowing the time when i was there. Serene environment and very calming and relaxing. We arrived a day before Diwali, helped with some cookies baking, had a wonderful ride in motorbikes traversing the little stoney pathway between rows of nicely lined oil palm tree. Cooling and refreshing breeze caressed our face. At the eve, we prepared kolam, for me, its the very first time.

On Diwali, i experienced the oil bath ritual performed by friend's mum, and was blessed, received a "pink" packet and got a new cloth from the parents. Then, i wore the Salwar Kameez (Punjabi Suit) lent by my friend for the very first time. I followed them to perform a prayer at a temple in the estate. After returning from the temple, we had our breakfast. I had 3 dosa and 1 Idly....together with lots of curry and chutney. After meal, we went to a friend place. On the way, my energy was drained by the fermented food that i had for breakfast. Feeling extremely sleepy in the car....Just couldn't open up my eyes. Then we visited Kellie's Castle. A beautiful castle built by a Scottish man in the early of 19th century in Batu Gajah, Perak. That evening, we made a quick stop at UTP before heading friend's place. Experienced thunderstorm on the way back from UTP.

Had wonderful dinner, and watched a Tamil comedy, Tamil version of "I Robot" named "Endhiran" It was super funny. Then we slept very well....The next day, had morning stroll in her house garden, donated some blood to the mosquitoes there, had breakfast, chit chat, and left around 1.30pm with packed lunch box that contained so many love. Headed to Taiping town as planned, but could foresee the coming thunderstorm, so decided to scrap the Taiping plan and had a impromptu picnic lunch outside of a closed restaurant with table and chairs on the front porch of the shop. Had the most wonderful lunch experience. Then, drove all the way back to Penang, reached home around5pm. Feeling tired and sleepy right after arriving home.

It was a wonderful experience indeed. Learned a lot and blessed with all the love in the world. We 4, Suguna, (Malaysian Indian), Asha (India Indian), DR. CJ (Nigerian, Christian) and me (Malaysian Chinese) are from different background, culture and some even nationality are a fantastic group together. Only thing similar is, we are all from PPTI USM, for now.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Baby Nephew 1st Birthday

Time flies....My cutie nephew just turned into 1 year-old. He had his birthday with company of lots of Barney... :)

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Morning coffee is important for someone like me. The aroma and the test of the coffee woke my mind up. Coffee, which in Tamil language is known as "Kaapi"...Thanks to my friends for introducing me to this wonderful coffee.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


帮助别人的时候, 总会令自己有所反省。 看见别人帮助别人时, 也有种种的感动。 现今的社会里, 还有多少人真正的打开心房, 对别人掏心。 帮助别人可以是行动上, 也可以是言语上的。 很多的时候, 某些人可能需要的只是简单几个字的鼓励和安慰, 能够帮助到他们, 何乐而不为?
我一直都觉得字面上的情感是不容忽视的, 文字中总会让读的人深切地感受到其中的情绪。 就如我们往往可以从别人的一行字里就感受到其中的不安或是受干扰的情绪。 这时候, 我们能做的就是体恤一下那人, 也可以让他打开心房, 把心里烦恼的事情说出来。 也许我们无法提供正确的解决方案, 但是最起码我们了解了那人的痛苦。 适当的时候可以给予他人一些勇气和肯定, 让他们对自己的决定更有信心。 很多时候, 这些受困扰的人心里都已经有了解决方案或是想法, 这时候我们可以做的就只有鼓励他们, 给予他们信心。

不要忽略掉身边看似坚强的人, 很多时候他们都会需要别人的鼓励。

Thursday, October 6, 2011


A picture speaks a thousand word.
A VIP asked another VIP at the award ceremony:" do you agree that a picture speaks a thousand words?" He answered:" That's why i love looking at my wife's picture rather than seeing her in real person. The picture of her will says a thousand words. When i go back home from work, she will be at the door and saying ten thousand words to me, that's why..."

Monday, October 3, 2011

Cutie Pie (4)

Cutie pie was happily splashing the water

Thursday, September 29, 2011


分享一下于丹-论语心得里, 一个影响了我的小故事。


这一个“放下”, 多么简单的两个字, 真正做得到的有多少人?没有理由的包袱, 为什么不在该放下的时候就放下。 我们总是无端端的往自己身上增加了很多一早就该放下的包袱。 什么时候才可以学会放下?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


之前,买了一本书, 硬皮于丹《论语心得》英译版。 这一本书, 我有一本中文原版是我一直珍藏的, 某一次在书展时, 很廉价的买了下来的。 而在我还未他开来看的时候, 她静静的呆在了书柜里一段相当长的时间。 在我第一次打开来看了以后, 就决定把它放在床头边, 每天临睡前都拿出来阅读。 有的时候会看得舍不得睡。 很奇怪吧,一本古人大智慧的小故事竟然会对我有那么大的影响。 这可是我第一次喜欢和珍藏着一类型的书籍。

至于那刚买不久的《论语心得》英译版,是要给教授父亲买的生日礼物。 这一本书里的一些小故事, 给了我很大的启示, 都的时候也对我生活上的难题起了很大的作用。 就这样, 在忙得头昏脑胀的时候, 22号的时候, 在拖了一阵子后, 终于告诉自己不可以在拖拖拉拉的了。 再不寄出去, 教授就很大的可能无法在生日前收到了。把教授的大学地址打印到白纸上, 但是在要邮寄时那人说最好是用手写在那我预先购买了的大信封上, 才不用担心地址在中途脱落而不见了, 说得也对, 但是为了保险, 我在信封前面用了手写的地址, 背面粘上了打印了的地址。 那一本硬皮的书, 重量约500克, 。 外加信封包裹, 邮寄到印度,一共是RM23。我也问了这样的包裹是不是要签收的, 那人说是需要签收的, 预计2-3个礼拜会到。 我当时由衷的希望可以在教授生日前收到, 也就是大约16-17后。 特别的快速包裹, 邮寄到同样的地方得花上我RM96, 会在4-5个工作日到达, 我心想那本书才没到45元, 如果花了个96元来邮寄好想太过分了一点, 另外, 4-5工作日就到的话好像也太早到了。就因为这样, 我只选用了RM23的Pos Register.

昨天, 27号, 下午3.15分左右, 我收到了教授的message, 说是他刚刚收到了一个来自马来西亚的大信封, 由女儿寄来的一份惊喜- "Confucius from the Heart" 也就是于丹《论语心得》英译版。 教授父亲说这是他今年的第一份生日礼物(我想很大的原因是包裹出乎预料的早到), 还那么刚巧的是他的60岁的生日, 教授说在印度南部, 尤其是他的州属, 60是大寿。 我我告诉教授在我们华人的传统来说, 60也是大寿。

很意外的, 我没有料到才5天, 包裹就送到了教授的大学。 看来, 我们的邮寄服务还是不错的。

Saturday, September 24, 2011


三更半夜不睡觉, 为的就是等待敬爱的印度教授线上首播的访谈. 由于时差的关系, 所以得等到12点正才有得观看, 其实早在12前就已经准备就绪, 坐在电脑前了。 这一次的节目时以英语为媒介语的, 所以我无比的期待, 把首播和重播的时间都写了下来, 唯一的问题是时差, 很难真的记得到底是几点钟播放。 感恩的是, 网络一路顺畅无阻的把30分钟的访谈都顺利播完。 错过的, 却想要看重播的可以到这里,然后点击NDTV HINDU Live. 重播时间为9月24号 大马时间1.30pm.9月25号,11am.和9月28号,7.30pm.

透露一下, 教授有在访谈里谈到了槟城理科大学, 还有提起了我“老板”的名字。 这是一个很好的访谈, 简单却很有意思,单刀直入的。还真不惘我三更半夜还没睡觉的在电脑前面看首播。 看了过后还真的是很想念教授, 想念他在这里教导我们的日子。

Friday, September 9, 2011



新的学年和学期下个星期正式开课了,久违了校园里那充满了人气, 朝气蓬勃的景象。 第一年的新生在星期二时都带着大包小包的行李来报道了,下个星期就正是加入了理大的大家庭, 如果说是大家庭, 还倒不如说是个小社会, 一个由许许多多小组组成的小社会, 有些小组偶尔会和其他的人有所交涉, 但是很多时候都是比较注重与个人利益的小组。

昨天, 近4点时,打算拿书本到图书馆去还时,在学院前院见到了每一天都会打招呼的印度大姐, 停下脚步下来寒暄了两句, 就在这时来了两个华裔女新生走向了我们, 自然的反应是开口问说有什么我可以帮忙的吗? 当时因为是和印度大姐正在用英文聊天,所以也很自然的用英语问了:“Is there anything that I can help?” 没料到得到的回应是: "会讲华语吗?"。 我当时也没说什么, 讲中文还不简单。 她们大致上是对于Unit的分布有点疑惑, 所以我也尽我所能的回答。 讲着讲着, 其中一位来之雪兰莪的女生就走到一旁的花园长凳上坐了下来, 还大喇喇的把脚翘得高高的。但是我和另一个女生是站着的, 我感觉那坐着的女生有点不尊重其他人,但是也没有表示什么。 回答了其他的问题后, 时间不早了, 加上因为还是学校假期, 图书馆近4.20pm就会关闭服务,我问了他们还有什么问题向要询问吗? 结果那坐着的女生的反应却是说了:“啊,你要走了”。 我说了是, 要到图书馆去还书。” 说了再见然后就离开了。

一路上我在那里思考, 不免觉得有点心凉, 才不到20的大学生, 竟然把最基本的礼貌和对别人的尊重都忘了。 那么在多几年是不是连对自己的尊重也都忘了? 学历很多的时候并不能够完全的代表一个人的人格, 在现今的社会里, 更不能够代表些什么了。 不应该因为头顶了大学生的光环就可以将最基本的礼貌和尊重都放到天边去。我们必须先学会尊重自己, 尊重长辈, 才会得到别人的尊敬。

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Teacher's Day

5th Sept of every year is the Teacher's Day for India. This year is my first year ever to have someone I know in India who deserve great appreciation, my professor, Prof.Sultan. Me, Hassan and Parveen, the siblings from 3 different countries and culture, thanks to Hassan wonderful idea, had took a family photo together and sent it to our Prof/Dad to wish him a very happy teacher's day.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


我们的日常生活中, 经常会出现格式各类的误解, 言语上的, 字面上的, 表情上的甚至是肢体动作上的误解。我个人就经历了不少, 有时, 很简单的一句话, 到了别人耳里, 听起来又是另一番意思了, 简单浅白的一行字, 也会被其他人轻易的误解。 种种沟通的发式的有可能出现误解。 那么, 误解对我们造成的伤害理应大大降低, 但是为什么却偏偏不是这样子。 误解带来的伤害, 对于某些人, 是很震撼的。

有的时候感情过于丰富也是一种灾难。 因为过于依赖于情感, 很多时候都是用感性来判断事情。 究竟周围发生的事,是应该用理性还是感性来判断,这谁也说不准。 我因为有的时候情感泛滥, 对于某些文字所要表达的都以感性去了解,也因为这样, 很多的时候,可以在字面上看到了别人困扰的情绪,或是兴奋的感觉, 特别是对于你在乎或是熟悉的人。 人家说, 很多时候, 听声音和看表情可以发现别人的情绪。 如果是这样, 我觉得在字面上发现别人的情感就更为有难度, 另外,我发现这只有在你关心的人的身上才会有说发现, 毕竟我们熟悉他们的言语和表达方式还有他们平常的用语, 只要有稍微的脱离平常的用语, 我们就不难发现到其中的情绪。

人与人之间靠的沟通, 是言语上,字面上还有情感上。 所以我们应该三方面都顾及才不会让别人或是自己有所误解。

Thursday, September 1, 2011


31天的八月份, 就这样在复杂情绪纵横交错下的过去了。这个月份, 犹如情感的大杂烩般, 有这各种各样的情绪。 感性的性格大大的掌控了自己的理智, 过了感动良多的日子,也作了只有在被感性主宰的时候才会做的事。控制不好自己的情绪, 很轻易的掉眼泪, 而面对问题时,连话也不想多说。 夜半无人时, 只能够安静的拭泪。 情绪上的掌控大大不如前, 原因不明, 是不是厌倦了压抑的感觉, 还是无意中恢复了自己的真性情?

疯狂的事迹有开夜车的开到了近凌晨4点半, 停工的原因并不是因为累了, 而是应该睡觉了, 隔天7点起床, 和平常没有两样的,遵照一样的时间表, 并没有觉得特别的疲倦。 这也算是一项壮举了,因为就连考试的时候都没有开夜车的习惯。

八月份发生的事, 有很多依然历历在目, 毕竟这个月份里发生了太多的事。 而每一天都很感恩, 因为这几3个月, 我渐渐的找回了自己, 生活圈子也扩大了, 认识了不同的人, 交了不同国籍的朋友, 见识到了很不一样的导师。这种感觉有点像渴望关心的小女孩, 在短时间里得到了大家的关爱, 很温馨, 也很窝心。

已经渐渐习惯了没有父亲的日子, 教授来访的3个月里, 我有感受到了那种有父亲在身边的感觉, 那么的亲切, 那么的熟悉既又陌生。也许是因为见面的时间比较长, 我真的视他如父亲般, 这种感觉就像亦师亦友般,在学校的时间, 他绝对是个很认真的导师, 但是在日常生活里, 和我们一班猴子外出时, 他就亲切得像个淘气的父亲般。其实, 他在我们几只猴子的眼里, 就是我们的父亲。在教授就回去的前几天, 我告诉教授, “You are the closest person I have as a father in this world.” 这是很真挚的, 我也不清楚为什么当时会有那份勇气告诉教授这一番话。 这一份勇气, 也许是来自教授给我们的关爱的指导, 不单只是我, 和我一样陈天围绕在教授身边的友人都大大的有所改变。 我们常说, 是教授保我们几个人紧紧的联系在一块的, 和几个友人, 由原本的不相识到相识, 由相识到渐渐的熟悉 , 由熟悉到成为好友, 再由好友演变成了有如亲人般的异国兄弟姐妹, 这一切都归功于我们又神奇力量的教授。 我对所有发生的事情都心存感激, 纵然建中有一些不愉快, 也有一些意志会让我耿耿于怀的事情, 但是, 我并不后悔,应为没有了那些耿耿于怀的事件, 也不会有今天那么了解对方的大家庭。 我们都说, 我们是教授异国的孩子, 而我们都很荣幸有这个异国的父亲。

在疯狂中完成的作品, 感动了自己, 也感动了照片里的每一个人。 这是一种莫大的荣耀。照片都是猴子们和教授出游的时候拍的。

Saturday, August 27, 2011


今天, 拿起日历算了算, 原来, 教授才回去了不到20天。 为什么感觉好像已经回去好久了? 以前, 20天可以说是在不知不觉中就会溜走的,现在, 其实才第18天。

上个星期四, 到了KL两天, 为的是在去面试申请美国旅游签证(US VISA)。 不记得是什么时候和教授提起过。 在路途中收到了教授的短信,里面是一首诗还祝一路顺风。 收到的时候是9.36am大马时间, 也就是说是他的时间7.06am。 他大清早的用手机给我发了这短信,我除了感动还是感动。 他在那里是忙到不可开交的, 近乎日理万机了, 我很意外的他还记得那么清楚我提起过得芝麻小事。在车上看到那短信, 我几乎掉眼泪, 最近眼泪几乎很不受我控制, 外加我本来就是很容易掉眼泪的人。我把短信读了一遍又一遍, 不知道给怎么样回复他, 后来写了收到他的短信我感到很意外, 不明白它是如何在这样忙碌的情况下还记得那么清楚我提起过的话, 我告诉他我不知道该如何表达我现在的心情。 他在回复里, 提点了我要面试要注意的事项。 后来, 我到了KL也给他报平安。

VISA的面试是一个很好的经历, 短短的两天, 我对人和事都有了更彻底的了解。 这一趟也不算是什么远门, 老实讲, 对那个面试也没有多大的把握, 所以只和几个人提起, 说是会不在校园2天。 但是, 很意外的, 几个知道我去KL的目的的朋友们, 都纷纷大清早的给我发短信, 问说到了吗? 什么时候面试等等。 感觉和以往不在校园而出门时很不一样, 那时候, 即便我失踪了几个月,也不会有人问起, 这一次几乎是收到不下20封的短信, 外加Facebook的短信, 单单回复就已经让与我我同行的舅舅阿姨和外婆感到好奇了, 不明白为什么我这个小丫头时不时的在检查手机短信和上网。 这种友情, 解释了也很难明白, 索性就不多说。 收到了来自印度籍教授和朋友的短信, 孟加拉国籍朋友很多的短信, 还有伊朗籍朋友的短信。 能回复的我都回复了, 外加还给大家发了报平安和面试VISA成功的好消息的短信。 回到家后, 也给大家都报了平安。

另外, 很意外的, 在KLCC竟然遇见了USM的朋友, 那很久不见了的代表伊拉克的学生大使, 我看到很相似的面孔, 但是在我们的眼中, 中东国家的朋友的脸孔都很相似, 所以我也不敢冒然的和他打招呼, 但是他却也认到了我, 和我招手。 我们寒暄了几句, 他问我到KL来的目的, 我告诉了他, 他就像其他友人一样, 给了我很大的定心丸。 舅舅阿姨外婆等应该都很意外, 这个在他们眼里的小瓜, 怎么像的大人一样的那么忙碌, 没完没了的检查电话, 还在这种几乎一年里顶多去上一次的地方遇见大学里的朋友。 当然, 我的心里还是有一定的得意, 原谅我, 因为这一年在参与了学生大使后, 我渐渐地感到生活圈子扩大了, 见识也因为各个国籍的朋友而有所扩大, 不再像是以前那个成天独来独往的大学生了, 虽然现在依然是独自的去学校和回家但是内心却富有了很多。 很怀念那之前每天周一到五的开车接送教授到学校和回酒店的日子, 一路上虽然是短短的10分钟路程但是却谈得很多。 这是我在开车时总会想起的, 想必教授也如此, 因为在回去后, 在给我发FB短信时有提起过怀念我们每天在路途上聊天和讨论的时光。 当然, 我比较辛苦点, 因为有的时候会需要非常专注的应付交通, 却又要更得上话题, 我还比较不习惯那么的一心二用, 也难怪教授说我开车时太严肃了, 但也说是一件好事。

教授回了后, 学校给人感觉了无生气, 也缺少了动力, 很多的时候都很迷茫, 不知道该做些什么好, 接下来的实验应该要如何, 该从什么地方下手等等。 外加近日我们的实验室和隔壁正在大兴土木, 学校还真的是成了呆不长久的地方, 一天两个小时下来,回到家就已经开始感到头痛了。

虽然教授已经回去18天了, 但还一直有他的消息, 从朋友那也听了一些,即便见不着他, 却还有种他依然和我们一起的感觉。

Friday, August 12, 2011


早上见到教授, 可以从他的眼神中感觉到不舍。 神奇的是, 前一天, 我感觉明天见到的教授会是身穿深紫色的条文衬衫,配上米色的长裤, 结果见到的时候, 他果然穿了和我想象中的一样。 我们比平时晚的到学校, 他也很难得的到了我的办公室来, 我还给他示范了我用来做短片的软件。 我知道他在学校的最后一个早上, 是不会那么简单的, 也知道我的导师一早的就说要见他了,他连一分钟清闲的时间都没有呢。但是, 我们也达到了共识, 就是适当的时候, 我会去解救他, 这一次更神奇的是, 我们连拯救的时间都说好了。在被拯救过后, 他到了我们的实验室去, 和大家说再见。 然后, 我开车把他送到他住的地方, 那个我近一个月几乎天天都去接送他的地方。到了后, 我下了车,在大堂前的梯阶, 给了教授一个感激地拥抱。 他还笑我说, 他以为我会在机场才拥抱他, 我笑说, 在机场, 我会再拥抱你一次。
Day-0,过得很难过, 有许多的伤感,许多的思念, 但是好在有朋友相伴, 聊聊天的, 感觉也比较好, 要不是那样, 自己还真的不知道是怎么样在机场离别后, 还有能力开车回来的。 不记得上一次, 送机送到掉眼泪是什么时候了。这一次, 有朋友在身边, 还有个感觉上的寄托。 临别的那一个拥抱, 体现的是最真挚的情感。 在离境处外,3个心情很沉重的我们, 在最后的挥手后, 依然傻傻的站在那栏杆后哭泣。在心情较为平复, 逐渐控制了自己的眼泪时, 3个驴子同时收到了短讯,大家几乎是同一个时间把手机掏出来的, 用哭得模糊的双眼看那短讯,大家心里大概有个谱说应该是谁发的短讯,但是看到的时候, 因为里面的内容, 驴子们都再也压抑不了了, 压下去的眼泪又排山倒海的涌出来的。 短训的内容是:“在那, 我尚且可以控制我的眼泪, 但是在这里,我安静的在哭泣。” 看完了这一行字,我们哪个都控制不了自己的眼泪了,整个心都碎掉了。得师如此, 还有何求?教授是从槟城飞到吉隆玻, 然后再转飞印度Chennai。 迷迷糊糊的开车到了家, 到19楼去, 等待着教授的飞机划过眼前的天空,这只因为他曾经提起会在飞机上和我们挥手, 而我们在天台就可以见到他的飞机, 所以就这样的有了那个念头。 很意外的, 在翻看菜单点晚餐的时候, 我的手机响了, 是教授到了吉隆玻机场打来的, 意外的发呆了3秒钟才按接听的。 听见了教授有点哽咽的声音,问说怎么样了,我说不好, 他听了, 叫我说要好好的。 没有料到他会给了我们3个驴子打电话。这是多莫大的殊荣。 当天, 和友人聊了很多关于教授的事迹, 他也告诉了我一些教授告诉他, 关于我的事迹。 虽然很多的时候, 讲着讲着的眼眶就湿湿的, 但是我们还是很感恩可以有个让我们这样感动的人, 让我们那么牵肠挂肚的人。 夜里, 真的真的很累了, 也许是因为哭得累了, 伤心得累了,累得几乎都不想动了, 但是却还舍不得睡, 没听到教授平安到达的消息, 怎么样也不想睡。 就这样, 和友人在网上聊天, 互相支持着对方, 一直撑到凌晨一点四十分左右, 我收到了短讯, 他用他印度的手机发了短讯, 说他到了, 这样, 我们才感觉好一点。 然后, 我几乎是累得昏睡过去的。 知道在教授回去后, 那种不知何时才能和亲人见面的感觉很强烈, 原因是他对我来说, 就是一个父亲, 他不单只教育我知识, 也分享人生的道理, 也分担我所面对的问题, 也在我有问题时站出来保护我。 对我来说, 他就是一个父亲, 也是一个教授。 对他的离别, 就像离别一个爱我的父亲一样。 在他的眼中, 我们都是他在海外的孩子。 当然, 他对我们几个驴子(我和其他三位同学)特别有感情, 驴子, 就是他用的昵称。有的时候, 还会说我们是猴子, 特别是我们3个女生在一起胡闹的时候。 他对我, 更有很让人搞不懂为什么我们会演变到今天那么亲的第一印象。 就因为这样, 他经常告诉其他人, 有的时候, 第一个印象,并不能代表一切。 因为纵然他对我的第一印象不怎么的好, 但是, 在我告诉他我会改过时,他说他在我眼中见到了诚恳和真挚的眼神。 所以他给了我机会。 而我打从那一天起, 就再也没有给他反悔的机会了。 这也是到后来, 他告诉了某个有人, 我才知道的。

从来也没有想到过, 三个月以后, 我和同学,和教授的感情会是现在这个样子的。

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 0

Day 0- The day that Prof. Sultan leaving Penang and back to Chennai after 3 months as a visiting professor in PPTI. 23 peoples were there at the airport to say goodbye to him. Tears and broken heart of 3 peoples were large enough to fill up the whole airport. Never ever going to forget that moment. After receiving the text message from prof in the airport, we cried even harder.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


过了相当充实的几个月,还以为自己已经大大地有所改变, 却没料到, 原来自己还是和以前一样的, 对很多的事物还很迷茫。 兜兜转转的, 又回到了向左也不是, 向右也不是的局面。不管什么样的决定, 仿佛都会有人会觉得不满意。 原本已经渐渐远离消极, 过了一阵每天开心,充实, 信心满满的日子, 还以为这样可以保持下去, 没料到原来在别人的眼中, 这样过日子是不足够的。

不想介入他人的生活,所以采取了不一样的态度与对策, 但是却换来了很奇怪的回应。不想对别人的事务都掺上一脚, 难道不行吗? 难不成还得像个傻子般的天天在戴上面具, 然后为了让一个人开心而导致了几个人都不开心吗?

听见亲人埋怨说造成今天的局面是因为他自己做得不好, 自己太失败,那么我自己心理的设定应该是设定在什么地方?是应该任由她埋怨, 还是为了让他好过而改变自己现在满意的生活?

究竟是压力, 睡眠不足,还是忙碌而搞到自己很迷茫, 还是他人的话, 搞到自己万二分的迷茫?

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cutie Pie (3)

Lucas boy with his new toy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cereal hamper

Got a hamper of cereals from Prof. Sultan. It's the healthiest hamper that i ever received. It comes with variety of cereals and milk. I now have been eating some of them as my breakfast. Anyway, would like to thank prof. for this. :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Snake Temple

It was all out of the blue, me and my brother were talking about where could be actually visit at this time, that was around 1.45pm on Sunday. Then we think of the Snake temple, a place which i will never ever go alone, or go with someone that cannot be depended on as i worry that they will use all those snakes and start to terrify me. My visiting prof has been here for sometime, and i know he haasn't has chance to visit most of the places here in Penang. So i text him and asked was him available around 3pm. He replied me really soon. Then we just started to pack up all my stuff and leave my home at BM.

We picked up Prof. around 3.15pm. Then went straight to snake temple. We took this very funny photo which i have to kept distance with the snake, and still trying to maintain my smile and covering all the fear. Luckily the photo came out quite nice. Frankly speaking, snake is never my thing....but it is my brother's thing. He just love them. Prof. did receive a lot of Wows after posted his photo on facebook. I feel glad and i am rally happy that just by doing something simple, i had actually made some differences.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The presentation day

We, all the students under supervision of my supervisor were called to do a internal presentation on our work that we have done so far, especially on what we have done during the visit of our lovely visiting professor, Prof. Sultan since May. I was kind of last minutes, struggling with the data that collected here and there. I didn't even have a title to start for the presentation until yesterday afternoon. Prof gave me a good and proper title regarding what i can do yesterday afternoon, and all i have to do was just ask.....haha. I know that is a good title, and i know that if anyone question about my title during my presentation, my Prof. will stand up and defend it for me. I finished yesterday lab work, and went for the High-Tea Party that specially organized for us, the student helper and rapporteurs for the previous conference that we attended. One of the memorable was that during the high-tea, i saw the worst coffee that i ever seen. Luckily i did not taste it.

Started my presentation preparation at night. I had to sit on my chair and working on the slide for like 2 and a half hour straight. In the process, coffee and tea were consumed. The most problematic slide was in fact the slide that i should have identify the problem and difficulties of my work which i had to do it at last. After finishing the slides, i didn't even have energy to go through them again. I just saved it in a pendrive and said that's it...i am done. I slept around 1.30am, and woke up 7am the next day. I was really tired so despite the stress that i had, i still get some "real" sleep.

I actually woke up before 7am by the super heavy rain. I now trying to wake up early everyday, and will give my Prof. a lift on the way going to USM. I kind of following his schedule now, reaching school at 8.30am and come back around 4-4.30pm. I got early sms from Asha discussing about the crazy rain. Then i got another sms from Prof. saying that he aware of the traffic on heavy rain day, said that he will wait patiently. I prepared myself, took my morning coffee with bread and i left at 8am. I reached Prof. place around 8.15am and he was surprised that i can even make it on time under the heavy rain. I told him i left 10 minutes earlier than usual.

The presentation started at 9.30am., and before that, Prof. visited my work station for the first time. We suppose to follow a ballot number that some of us have drew a day earlier, a total of 1o students, i was so lucky until i got the worst number that i imagined, the 10. I hate being the last as i will have to be highly stressed while other friends have done with theirs presentation. Prof. even asked me what was my number for presentation and i refused to tell him anything. As the girl who got number 1(Siti A) was really upset and hope that she could have it changed. I was thinking that if she really don't want to be the first presenter, then i will do it.

9.35am, all things ready, but only 5 students showed up. Prof. was really disappointed. That was when we all decided we should just start as we couldn't wait for them like that. I volunteered to be the number 1. The first time ever that i be the number 1, not to mention is volunteering. Another thing was, i really cannot imagined how could students be late at their presentation day especially they didn't even know their number of sequence in presenting yet.

Things came out quite well, and Prof even offered that if there was any explanation that i couldn't make, he would help to explain. That's really nice. 4 of us, the gang of more seniority students( if according to our postgraduate registration date), me went as the first presenter, Parveen the 2nd, Asha the 3rd and Azhani the 4th. I am very lucky that we have done it that way.

After the presentation was a session of research methodology followed by a session of soft skill workshop conducted by Prof. Sultan. I was surprised that 2 of the students didn't present on that even though they were still in school compound and i was even more surprised that Prof. told me that someone was sleeping during that. That's rude (no offense).

As the day end, i felt i am motivated and have learned a lot of things other than research. It's a great, wonderful and awesome day.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

3 days on Decolonising Our Universities

Day 1
Woke up super early in the morning from a so called "sleep", or rather should be called "rest with eyes closed". At least i wasn't really up the whole night. Breakfast at very early morning as we will be helping out at the registration counter for participants before the conference starts at 9.30 am.
The breakfast was provided by the hotel, came with the conference accommodation package. It rained in the morning in the middle of my breakfast. I was basically having breakfast under the rain as i was sitting at the outdoor. Although it was not an open air space but the wind just brought in the rain to right on top of me and on me.

The conference officially started after the arrival of USM Vice Chancellor, the deputy ministry of Higher Education department and the Mr.Ambassadors of India at Bhutan. My team mate told me something regarding how the VIP felt about the student helpers and had said it in quite an offended and rude way. Although i didn't hear it in person, but it was really kind of rude on saying that. That's when i have decided to be rebellious (sort of) later at the conference, which was not that obvious at first. After the inaugural session, another student helper and i were assigned to usher those VIPs to the VIP lounge so that they can have their tea break there and the Press Conference will be also held there. The first thing our excellency done was asking me to make a coffee for him. I was surprised at first that my job scope as the student helper has included coffee making for the VIP but i asked politely on how he would like his coffee, with milk or without, and with or without sugar. He replied with some milk and some sugar. While making the coffee, i was thinking how will he react if he doesn't like the coffee that i prepared? Anyway, the answer is never known because i left after making that coffee when he was already in the press conference.

That night, we were invited to dinner at residence of chairman of CAP( Consumer Association of Penang), Mr. Idris. We went there in 4 buses, 3 of Rapid Penang buses and 1 from USM. Around 70+ participants together with 16 student helpers, 17 rapporteurs and some other people were all invited. It was funny seeing those highly educated scholars giving excuses on wanting to wait for his/her friends so that they can get on the same bus etc. I was assigned to handle bus 2 with other 2 student helpers, Ray and CJ. It is actually my first time on Rapid Penang. The buses left around 8pm. On the way, i realize one thing. We were actually breaking a lot of peoples heart when i saw the expressions of people waiting at the bus stop for bus. 3 Rapid Penang buses passed by in front of them without stopping or slowing down at all. Imagine you were the one waiting for bus to go home in rainy day and 3 buses passed by in front of you just like that. I think you might want to shout out loud.

The dinner were fantastic. Food were awesome, so was the drink and the dessert. We arrived at the hotel around 10.30pm, a lot of the participants gave us compliments on doing a fantastic job which were basically ushering them to the bus, greeting them when they arrived for dinner and saying good night to them after arriving at the hotel.

Day 2
The next day, we were allowed to wake up a bit later than the first day. I was in charged on the first session of both second day and third day. I didn't wear the cloth that have given to us for wearing on the conference. I was wearing a traditional long sleeves sort of malay style cloth with some light make up and my hair tied up. As we were all advised that traditional clothing are highly encouraged. I thought not wearing the shirt that with TEAM USM written on it was not a big deal. Until before the session started. it happened when I was talking with my roommate, sitting at the chair that were prepared for observers. One of the participants walked to me, stood right in front of me and start greeting to me with good morning, how are you, where are you from etc with his right hand in front of me for a hand shake. I shaked his hand, and started to reply him back, i am....i am from Malaysia, followed by the sentence, "I am the student helper from USM". Then, here came the best part. He had this strange expression and said :" are not wearing your t-shirt today, why?" i don't really remember what i have him replied. But i knew that he thought I am one of the participants for the conference. That was why he acted very polite. You don't really get to see those highly educated scholars approached a student helper and start doing little talk, unless you approached them. We as the student helper, are not at their level, that is in my opinion.

I later said to others that, why must i wear the shirt just to show me i am the student helper. I wore my tag with my name on it and the colour of the tag indicated that i am a student helper. So, why i need to be in that T-shirt? Aren't uniform wearing a contrary of decolonising? I still do my job no matter what i was wearing. I didn't run away from any thing that i supposed to do. That's good enough isn't it? Does what i am wearing really matter?

That day, at lunch, i was really not in the mood of eating. I ate some because i have to, but those food that served were really killing my appetite at that time. I kind of fall into "hotel food phobia" that day. That day, the dinner was not served for participants, but we, the student helpers and rapporteurs were served. Funny isn't it?

Day 3
The last day of the conference. I was surprised again as in that morning, while i was talking with my prof. a chinese guy came and asked why am i not wearing the USM T-shirt. I really cannot understand why that t-shirt matters so much? What is the difference between waring it and not wearing it? At that time. I didn't really know how to answer back, luckily prof was there, he helped me out with this awkward moment. The last day of the conference, we checked out the hotel room at 1pm, had our luggage gathered at secretariat room and i left around 5pm that day. Here end the participation of International Conference on Decolonising our Universities.

Friday, July 1, 2011

International Conference on Decolonising Our Universities

A 3-day-2 night international conference was held in Paradise Sandy Beach Resort, Penang on 27-29 June 2011. I am pleasured to be one of the team as the student helper/observer. Being a student helper means the whole team will be hands on fully from the preparation work of the conference to the tiny little stuff during and after the conference.

A total of 16 peoples were in the student helper team, leaded by our person in charge, Poh Chuin, and a powerless management intern that working at the IPS, Sylvester. Our team were consisted of post-graduate students came from all around the world, 7 of us from Malaysia. 2 from Nigeria, 1 from Yemen, 3 from Iran, 1 from Philippines, 1 from Palestine and 1 from Indonesia.

Day before conference
We have been working on the preparation of the conference days before, prepared those conference kit, a very tedious work that require good organization and team work. From labeling the file to slot in all the papers accordingly to the files with coloured dividers. All need a lot of time even with many pairs of hands. Loading the stuff from the office to the loading zone of the lorry that handled the delivery was also part of out job scope. Loading always comes with unloading, so we all have to help to transfer boxes and boxes from the unloading area to our temporary secretariat room set up near the conference hall. That tiny little room were where we work on 180 files for the very last minutes paper slot in on the afternoon of the day before the conference date. The lunch were served at 1pm that day, i remember it very clearly as all of us were starving by the time the last file of the conference kit done with slotting in the last paper. The food served was not in a lot of variety, but we were all starving, so everything just tasted good for us.

After the lunch, we were allowed to check-in out hotel room respectively. I were staying at the room 1503 through out the conference. Sharing the room with me were our team photographer, Eeling. The room was spacious, with a king-size bed and a small kitchen. After taking a quick shower, we were back to work. Most of the things had been done.

At 4pm, i was waiting for a friend at hotel lobby. At that time, most of us were already feeling hungry. That was temporary solved when Ray bought some chips and we just opened them up and ate it at lobby. That was when i met my visiting Prof. from India who were invited as a participant for this conference. Him being invited is actually one of the reasons that made me applied for being a student helper even after i missed the date of submitting my resume for applying as rapporteurs for this conference apart from wanting to be a part of this conference. He gave me and my friends some 豆沙饼 after founding out that one of us missed the lunch and most of us were actually having growling stomach. He purposely went up in his room to take it and came down again just to give that to us. Sweet.
After that was when i finally have the time to take a stroll at the sandy beach. The weather that day were good. Warm and nice. Lounged at the sun bathing chair and chatting, making fun of friends were awesome.

At night, after the dinner i went to lobby to do some net surfing and of course, took the opportunity to cool off my tooties. Sandy beach is somehow has the ability to cool off whatever anger you have and calm your mind. Some of my friends joined me at the beach later that night, we were having fun chating and taking crazy photos.

My day ended with a hot shower and struggling in bed.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


第一次以不同的身份参加研讨会, 当中, 可以说是每一天都有不同样的趣事发生。
从兴奋的吃午餐, 到严重厌倦了那里的食物。从非常的拘谨, 到和大家疯狂的打成一片。 我们, 真真确确的过了几天没有分尊卑, 没有分你我的几天。从原本的见到这位Post-Doc还很恭敬的尊称一声Dr, 到直呼其名, 还如朋友般的打成一片, 甚至还开对方玩笑。我们之间, 除了见到Rapporteur team的上头,和我们Student Helper的负责人事会有点收敛,其余的时间, 大家无论是Post-Doc, 还是硕士研究生都疯狂的成了一班充满童真的学生。 当然, 见到各位Prof.的时候, 还是会恭恭敬敬的, 这是免不了的了。 但是, 也因为这一次的研讨会,我反而和我的Visiting Prof. 更加的亲近了, 那很大的原因是见面的次数实在太多了, 加上很多时候都会坐下来谈话, 开对方玩笑等, 所以就感觉距离拉近了很多。习惯长时间的见到他, 加上不时地作弄对方,长时间都听见他的声音, 搞到在第二天晚上, 即使是躺在了床上休息时也可以听见了他的声音。 3天的研讨会, 加上我们提早一天的就到了酒店准备, 一共4天的时间, 有着说不完的趣事和故事。有食物的趣事, 海边的兴奋狂笑之谈,夜里温馨的小庆祝(在研讨会期间, 一位团员合格了VIVA, 我们之间诞生了一位新鲜出炉的PHD, 晚餐时搞了个小小的庆祝),当然还有研讨会之前那动用了很多人的准备功夫, 一点一滴, 还真的是点滴在心头。每天夜晚, 临睡前看着我的同房把一天拍下来的照片弄成个简单Video, 还真的是很有滋味。 特别喜欢庆祝新PHD诞生的那些场景, 虽然是把Video拍得黑压压的, 但是, 当中的滋味和感觉, 就只有我们自己能够感受到。在别人眼中黑漆漆的场面, 在我们的心中却是无比的温馨。

这次研讨会的题目是“大学驱殖民化”a.k.a "Decolonising our universities", 大家都好奇我们这一班, 占理科/工程生为多数的学生, 怎么都参与了。 他们当然不知道我们这一班参与的目的并不是那么的在意什么驱殖民化, 反倒是都抱着见见世面的态度, 参加课业/研究以外的活动。最这样, 在忙到头昏脑胀的当儿, 大家的友情日夜的增进。而我, 实在是不明白到底是如何在夜里都没真真入眠的情况下,一直没穿没烂的一连熬了4天3夜, 还真的是个人的纪录。 另外值得记录的是, 酒店房里的冷气, 在最后一天的夜里, 是不停的漏水的, 嘀嗒嘀嗒的拍打在我们摆在冷气下盛水的垃圾桶。没有力气的我们, 也懒得去投诉, 就任由冷气这样的放纵。我还真的是第一次对酒店那么的包容和带有宽之心。

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 1

Sandy beaches are what people are looking forward for relaxation. I am
here somehow, not to relax myself but work as student helper for an
international conference. It is no doubt will be a great experience,
but sometime it is just not feeling right when you have access to the
sandy beaches that comes with work and responsible and not to mention
no time. Anyway, meeting people that didn't talk about research work
and messy experiment is simply fantastic. Lunch and dinner were served
with laughter indeed :)


Shlrene Quaik
USM Student Ambassador (Malaysia)
Master Candidate
School of Industrial Technology
Universiti Sains Malaysia
H/P No: 012 494 2921

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cutie Pie

In his "Elephant cloth"

He now know how to clap his tiny cutie hands when you ask.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

2011 USM Student Ambassador Induction Course

After joining the USM SA for a year, i was kind of being "promoted" into "senior" Student Ambassador. The seniority doesn't mean anything, it is given to us, the "old" SA only because we joined a year ahead of these new SA. We don't really believe in seniority or whatsoever as we are all the same, we are all equal and we are a team.

Most of the newly joined member of this year are PHD candidate. In my eyes, they are indeed more senior than me.

Our group photo. Have you seen anyone that you know?

是相信, 还是不相信, 还是怀疑?

从某人的口中, 得知了某件不知应该相信与否的事情。
也应为这样, 有一点迷茫, 有一点矛盾。
某人的话, 是不是值得去相信?
看似了解, 讲起来也是了解的某人, 给了我个难题。
相信好,还是不相信? 又或是应该怀疑, 然后再了解?
相信的话, 是否就是等于也得听从他人的意见?
不相信的话, 就是不是应该当作忘记这件事情, 但是心里却一直永远都不知道答案?
虽然怀疑的当儿, 还挺有意思的,但是难道就这样放任不管?
当总总事情都在一起的时候, 我就不知道该怎么做了。
还是先放一边吧, 毕竟暂时都还没有时间去思考那么多。

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pigloo-Le papa pingouin

While searching for some cartoon video for my baby nephew, i remembered the "Pigloo", the famous French penguin cartoon that captured the hearts of tones of French. I have the soundtrack of it, and it sounds super cute. It's something that will definitely cheer you up.

Here is a video that i found from youtube, named Le papa pingouin, it's about a cute little penguin trying to convince his papa penguin who want to leave south pole for some tropical places to stay.

I wonder will my he likes this....^^ will find out next time after i show it to him.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tour guide @ USM

My students an some of their friends and family came to visit USM this morning. It was super nice weather in the morning but rain around noon time. I showed them the place which has best view, the museum, lecture hall DKH and the new Hamzah Sendut Library. We lunched at MacDonald Sungai Dua, then later closing the event with a photo session at USM Batu Uban's Gate. They came on 11am, went back around 2pm. 3 hours of short visit was simply not enough for the kids as today is friday, so they only spent 20 minutes in the museum as the museum was going to close for lunch break in 20 minutes by the time we were there.

Here is a photo of my so called "visitors"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Baby Nephew 3

Baby Lucas received a new toy today from me.

This was how he looked like when he was playing the new toy.

Hopefully this new toy will keep him busy/engage for sometime.

Photo him taking bath that day, in his super awesome colour "bathtub". He likes to use his hands and hit the water surface until water flash up his face.

Messy hair style after the bath.

Sometime, he really looks very different.


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