Friday, July 30, 2010


真诚的已经是买少见少,可与不可求, 只因为如今的爱,已不再是简单的爱。
失去了真诚度的爱,你真的渴望它? 太多的人因为要爱所以去爱, 也有因为无法面对寂寞所以去爱, 这样的爱的理由, 你可以接受吗?

不要以为自己很无私, 因为那只证明了你其实很自私,而且也为了自己捏造了荒唐的解释。
现今的社会里,严重的缺乏了纯真的爱-大爱, 存在的只是一些拥有美丽外皮, 里外不一的爱。

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


随性的,作了一次大胆的突破,拿起毛笔,就这样毫不犹豫的挥了在光溜溜的地砖上,才发现自己很喜欢这样的效果。结果就拿起相机给自己留了个纪念。 这种潇洒的举动, 我还真的是很怀念, 已经好久没有让自己不按牌理出牌,烦闷的日子有时就是得有些点缀才行。

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Part of my life (I)

Had a busy and eventful week. Started from the volunteering in helping the registration at IPS on 5July and 6July. It was supposed to be followed by helping in orientation event on 8July but i was too tired to be involved with. Then came the Oath Taking Ceremony on 9July afternoon, with rehearsal in the morning which i skipped purposely. The same night of the Oath Taking Ceremony, we had a BBQ dinner at the carpark of IPS with the Student Ambassadors from all 3 campuses. Had a crazy, fun and smelly night. Experienced the Yemen's Coffee, Arabic Tea and some Arabic Style Yogurt Marinated BBQ meat prepared from our master chef, who is one of the Student Ambassador. Met with the latest superstar-Ali, the 1 year old Iraqis kid, and i was crazy enough for allowing Ali's dad to put the Arabic traditional Hat on me...and of course, crazy photos created which made me feel like a "superstar". Perhaps i am too kind that was why i was the 1st victim of that,then followed by victim number 2 Mr.China, Dr.Hassan and Nasim.

Went to a so called short meeting with Dean of IPS together with all the students ambassadors that available on 14 July. 15 July, i received a call at night, i was asked to attend the Educational Showcase that is ongoing in Gurney Plaza from 16 July to 18 July. I agreed because it will be ery difficult to find others in such a short notice.

I was at Gurney Plaza for the longest time of this year. From 11 something to 7 something. Reached home at only 9. "Busy" for the whole day for nothing......Really nothing, that is what i don't feel good about.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Volunteering in IPS

Today was the first day of IPS offering registration for mixed-mode and coursework postgraduate students. It started around 8.30am, and while we were preparing, our "customers" were already queuing outside the room. People storming in right after the door was opened.

I was at group 2 at the beginning, then i realized that at group 2, they don't really need 2 peoples from us. The main job of there was just delivering the file to the counter that just feet away. So i decided to help out at the group 1 which looked a bit messy at that time. After helping for sometime in group 1, i know that place was really a mess......and people just stuck there and slowed down the whole registration process......Finding files for them are nightmares, especially the names with initials of "N", "M" and "S"...(No offense). Names with these initials really kill us. Every time we received documents from student, we were praying that the students initial is something other than these mentioned alphabet. Why these 3 backed us off? It was because we have too much files for them...and the names are almost the same....we have to squad down in order to search them from boxes of files.

Meals are provided but i had to have my breakfast at 11 something...For me, the Bee Hun Goreng was spicy, especially in the early morning. I don't usually go for spicy food in the morning. The strange part is, they always provided us Teh Tarik for breakfast.

The lunch was not so bad, still spicy but they have fish and vegie in the environmental friendly paper box(Not so bad huh?). I have to fight with the fish in the box because it was so hard to eat the whole "Bawa Hitam" with very fragile plastic spoon and fork.

Headed home at almost 6. Car got stuck in the middles of cars because the fresh meat(new undergraduate students) were having event at DUP. Just like the old glory days, they have to walk under the hot sun from their respective hostel to DUP. It reminded me what i was like 4 years back.

Funny thing about today was there were 2 students, which names cannot be found in all those piles of files. We then only realized that they are suppose to register at Engineering Campus at Nibong Tebal instead of the main campus. So sorry for them....We really can't do anything to help.


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