Tuesday, March 22, 2011

City in B&W photobook

I made another photobook today with all the dynamic black and white photos that i took during my visit to Singapore on February.
I am thinking about making some other photobook for trips that i have made.
Or can be downloaded at the following link.
The photobook can be downloaded HERE

Friday, March 18, 2011

My coriander plant diary

I planted my coriander seeds into some of my own-made compost soil on 8th March. Today, i am so excited to see some of the seeds have finally germinated into small green sprout. I am super excited and decided to take some photo for them. I counted 3 sprouts now and hopefully when i wake up tomorrow morning, i will get more. Five perhaps???

Here are some photos of the little sprouts. Sorry for the wrong focus point, as the sprout was really tiny and hard to be focused.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Cambodia Photobook

My own creation of my Cambodia photobook using iPhoto.
Greatest memory of all time.
It can be downloaded at My Cambodia Photo Book


Monday, March 14, 2011

Stories of Siem Reap, Cambodia Trip

My friend is going to make her backpacking debut to the wonderful land of Siem Reap. I posted some stories that i wrote back in 2008 in my old blog that i still didn't close. I tried to import the posts here but failed even after a few attempts. So, the only measure will be putting the link here.

P/S: JF, i do this for you.... haha....
P/S 2: Su Hui, these are super sweet memory.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


读到了姨丈写的短短的几句, 脑海里的记忆, 开始回到了小时候。 零零碎碎的画面, 又是忧伤, 又是欢乐。这些宝贵的记忆,经过时间的隧道, 再次被唤醒。

小时候,外公总会坐在客厅那大理石的地上看报纸。外公的职业是带给小孩欢乐和甜蜜的, 骑着黑黑的老铁马,手里摇着铃铛,穿梭于大街小巷售卖自制雪糕。不明白为什么身材瘦小的外公有本事踩得动老铁马,外加一旁重重的雪糕箱子。是为了生活,才能让瘦瘦的外公拥有那无比的力量吧!一家十几口人, 靠着外公卖雪糕,几十年的日子,生活还算能过, 孩子们如今都已经长大成人,有各自的家庭和事业,在孩子们都年幼的时候,身为一家唯一的经济支柱,即便到了孩子们都有所长成, 依然没有停下来。

一两年前, 人老了, 外公的身体固然没有当年的勇, 加上常年在外用劳力工作,身体偶尔也开始有些小病小痛的。 对于他老人家, 我有这一些零零碎碎的记忆。特别记得小时候, 当 舅舅阿姨们,上班的上班, 上课的上课时,我会呆在客厅, 见到外公把做生意的硬币零钱倒在地上时, 就会坐下来,帮忙把那些零钱算清楚,五六岁的我, 会把硬币都分类好, 把两个五毛钱叠在一起, 把五个两毛钱叠在一起,十个一毛钱叠在一起。然后将他们依照自己的面值,排成一排排, 让外公方便计算。看来我从小就很会算钱了。

还有的记忆是在饭厅的窗口看在屋子旁边走廊制作冰淇淋。外公可是得用人工手动的转动着那简单的机器的握柄, 得转上好久好久。在记忆中那老机器有个大圆木桶, 直陉近两尺。木桶中间有个铁轴, 铁轴下连着了个铁的圆柱形容器。 外公会在木桶里铺满了从一条条冰块条敲碎的了冰块, 铺得满满的, 有的时候, 满满的冰块还会在外公转动那连接着铁轴的手柄时, 掉下了几个。外公在制作冰淇淋时, 家中的大人们都会嘱咐我说不要随便走到外公作冰淇淋的地方, 因为地上湿湿的, 还会有小碎冰, 是很滑的, 一不小心可是会四脚朝天的。记忆里,我有的时候还是会穿着大人们的鞋,然后小心地走到那小孩的禁区去。如果没有记错,我应该是没有在那里滑倒的纪录。

当时的我, 才五六岁, 很少四处乱跑的。 在几个还在念书的舅舅,阿姨,表姐,和哥哥都在念上午班的时候,家里可是冷清清的。 最开心的莫过于午饭的时候,因为他们都快放学回来了。他们回来后, 家里就热闹了。印象中, 外公会在上午班还没有放学前就出门到近学校那里去贩卖冰淇淋。而我, 至今还有着帮外公开关篱笆门的记忆。

我并没有在外婆家呆上很长的时间。 长大后,学校假期回去时,依然记得外公会给我们买特别的早餐,还会舀上一大匙他那拿手的古早味冰淇淋, 放在那威化雪糕饼上给我们吃。特别的是, 外公还有贩卖切片面包里面裹着冰淇淋的,入口甜甜绵绵的,是很难在外面买到的。也因为这样, 切面包也成了外公每天得做的事。 外公总会在五角基那,盘坐在地上, 然后旁边排了一条条还为切片的面包, 就是那种外面是褐色面包皮的面包。看外公用熟练的双手
舞着那长长窄面的面包刀,在面包上来回,面包条仿佛就静静的在木箱上任他宰割。这也是我儿时的活动之一。 有时我会坐在外公的对面, 帮忙把切片好的面包给排好,偶尔外公还会分点面包给我, 当然是那种有瑕疵的,比如面包片中间有个窟窿,很难可以把雪糕裹着的面包。 外公带了的记忆不只是其他儿童童年的甜蜜回忆,也给了我们甜蜜的回忆。这些甜蜜的回忆并不是因为他的冰淇淋, 而是真的欢乐的回忆。几年前, 外公因为身体没有那么强壮了, 加上子女们不放心,他也渐渐的从减少到没有外出贩卖雪糕了。

昨天, 外公过世了。我没有回去奔丧, 但是他的子女们都去了。虽然人没有在那里,但是心却还是飞到了那里去了。远在千里,却还有万般的思念。 每一次亲人的离去, 都会让我再次的回想起父亲的离去的那一段日子。有多少人真正的经历过了这种交丛复杂的感觉?心理的难过, 无论是言语又或是文字都没法表达。有的时候我表现得冷漠无情,特别是在生离死别时, 其实也只是在逃避自己内心的心碎, 硬下心的不让那感觉浮现出来, 但是往往在夜深人静的时候, 会自己一个人在一旁独自的伤感。伤感有可能是一连串的, 因为一件伤心的事会连带的让人联想到另外一串串的伤心事。

Monday, March 7, 2011


It's already month of March. It's the time when students prepare for their school exam. As for teacher, it's time to reward them for their hard work.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fire again?

Me and my brother were doing some late night swimming at 4th floor today, when we were waiting for the lift(2 lifts in that building, one was IF) , i heard a loud sirens so i went to see where was the emergency happened place. I saw a fire engine came with sirens on and entered through the guard house. we went to see what happened from the 4th floor. The fire engine stopped near the ground floor car park exist. Due to previous fire happened at the place where they gather the garbage, i thought there was a fire again. So we went down to the ground floor. I was still wearing my swimsuit with swimming robe, and my brother too. When the lift opened, i saw about 5 firemen standing there, with instruments such as spanner a.k.a wrench on hand. I though they were waiting the lift to go up-stair, surprisingly, they asked :"Lift tak tersangkut kah?" Then only i realised they were here because someone called for help for trapping inside the lift. Too bad, he/she didn't call to inform them that the lift is already working fine, no one is trapped anymore. I told them i saw one lift with status of IF 5 minutes ago when i was still on 4th floor. When i reached my unit, i looked down from my balcony and saw the fire engine left.

Anyway, this time, i saw quite some people watching from their balcony, some even went the the ground floor and asked what happened. At least they care for this time. But still, i don't think they are alert enough. Well, small improvement though.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Transformation Part 3

"The" Furnishing
This 300th post of my blog is specially dedicated my my beloved designer chairs.

Left: My working chair; Right: my lazy, relaxing, cup-of-coffee lounge chair.

Story 1: The Relaxing lounge chair.
Came across and article about a relaxing chair years ago. At that time it told myself that if i ever saw one, then i must owned it. While hunting for the furniture for my house, i saw it, i finally saw it in real other than in TV, and i was like...gasping.....oh my god, i must own it. I felt in love at first sight when i first knew it from TV, when i saw it in a shop, it was love at first touch.
It's a famous designer chair that it even has its own miniature in the scale of 1/12. I saw it few days back in a shop in Singapore. Now i started to regret that i didn't buy it, because at that i time i thought it was $30 for a single model of chairs. Only now then i realised it was the price for a set of collection. Anyway, when you have the real thing, the miniatures are just to fulfill your crazy desire. My mum did ask me why i must buy this chair, i said i must because it's a dream of mine.

Story 2: The white working chair.
Went to the same shop again before really buying the relaxing lounge chair. I saw another designer chair, which is really suitable for my working desk. It's very comfortable and really is my style. So i ended up paying quite a lot for these designer chairs. I never ever feel regret, not a single second.

Story 3: The real story of these chairs. (photos taken from the internet)
Pioneers of the 1950s and of the optimistic American way of life, Charles and Ray Eames created the greatest modern furniture “classics” between 1941 and 1978.

They designed more than 20 chair models, mostly unique pieces, and developed know-how in the art of sitting. The Plywood Chairs LCW(Lounge chair wood) and DCW(Dining chair wood) (1946), the Aluminum Group (1958) and the Lounge Chair (1956) have become true symbols of design that remain references today. Still produced, they inspire the admiration of new generations to convey the generous social ideal of their designers. The wholehearted dedication of Charles and Ray Eames to creating beautiful and top-quality mass-market products, and the joy imparted through their free forms, gave rise to the myth of a human and sensual modernity. A mythical couple, probably one of the most productive and creative of the 20th century.

Eames Plywood Lounge Chair
White Eames Armchair
In 1950, the Plastic Plastic Side Chair and Armchair by Charles & Ray Eames was first released as plastic chairs industrial production in history.


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