Thursday, June 24, 2010

Food Craving

I am a food people. Food often lighten up my day. For my Eastern-part of characteristic, i often crave for some special eastern oriental cuisines. Sometime, or most of the time, i crave for Gyoza/Dumpling and hot noodle soup with dumpling. Especially when i am in Eastern mood, i really crave for these food that i willing to do whatever i can do fulfill my desire in them. Sometime, i crave for western's food, french fries, clam chowder, cheese, pizza, mashed potato.....etc too.

Found the ingredients that needed for Gyoza from my fridge and with my Eastern mood, i manage to come out with some Gyoza for my lunch. GYOZA!!! Je t'aime! After the gyoza lunch...i am as happy as an angel ^^

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


昨天去了做牙齿检查,说是前面门牙得补了。 定了今天早上9点10分再去补牙。
去年去过了学校的牙科一次,可以说是有极高的效率,至于成果就只可以普通。没有队去看牙医有特别的恐惧, 但是那种疼痛还是会影响自己。就这样, 当他用那些一只只长相恐怖的仪器在窄小的口腔中打战,那种酸酸疼疼,酥酥麻麻的感觉当然不好受,精神紧绷, 连肌肉也无法放松。20分钟后, 全部搞定, 效率之高,不必言语。

无聊之极, 突然灵机一动,发挥一下有时候喜爱做些无聊事的性格, 改了张照片。就算是纪念2010南非世界杯吧! 照片是效仿世界杯官方专辑的封面改的。纯粹好玩, 别无他意。在此分享一下!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Student Ambassador Induction Course

Waked up in early morning, brushed, washed and prepared for an interesting event. Everything was smooth and fine in the morning except the really heavy raining part. Struggled to get a parking space, wore kind of formal and held the umbrella and in heels.

The morning session was great, especially the self-esteem talk delivered by Dr. Asha. Then was the tea break, i had the noodle which was ind of spicy for early morning. They served only the Teh-tarik in the morning tea break...Strange!

Freezing in the room and had some group ice-breaking session. For 43 of us, we have 4 that was born in April. Me, from Malaysia, Gisel from Indonesia(USM health campus), Mautaz( USM Chem. Engineering, Phd candidate) from Iraq and Lawal(Pharmacy, Master candidate USM Main Camp.) from Nigeria.

The whole program was not too bad. I have benefited from least for the self-esteem part. The most interesting part of the whole program was the last session, conducted by Dr.Zainal. We kind of off the topic throughout the talk and everyone was so engage on talking about the plastic policy that implied in out state, which is no plastic bag will be given on Mon, Tue and Wed from Tesco and Jusco. We were all over-focus on the plastic thingy and even compared Kelantan campus and Main campus.

There was this guy from Health campus mentioned that they have no this kind of plastic bag issues in Kelantan. Just right after he finished his sentence, someone said, in Kelantan, no one care about that...everyone use plastic bags and ignore the policy(no offence). Then this Dr. said what i love the best....."That's because there is no Tesco and Jusco in Kelantan, so that's the reason you don't have this problem." OMG....he is so funny.

Everyone was just too relax and got carried plastic.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hectic day

Hectic day...and done something crazy and stupid for other people. Mental stressed for more than 12 hours, how am i still feeling alive after all these right? I am really half-dead...barely hanging there.
Please, leave me alone.........Do i really looks like someone that you can mess around whenever you want? Call me when you need me, and totally put me aside when you don't need help from me?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

17 June 2010

Watched my second match of World Cup 2010. The first was the very first match, Mexico Vs South Africa. The second was this great match, Argentina Vs South Korea, 4:1. Argentina won beautifully. This was the match that i watched at Subaidah, with all other football fans. Never have this experience before. Shouted "Goal".... with the crowds and feel the heat with them together even though today's weather is nice and cozy. Got a good place at Subaidah because we were already 5 minutes before the match started.....^^

Something just doesn't feel right. I have to admit that people you care always affects your mood the most. When am i going to escape from those haunting people and stuff??? People just don't get that you care for them......and some just ignore all your care........some even worst, think that your care is ruining them......

Why am i keep on sticking at others people life?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


可以在端午节吃到妈妈亲手裹的粽子, 是 最开心的时候。
打开粽叶, 热腾腾的粽子,垂涎的香味,这是幸福的时光。
我尤其的喜欢我妈妈裹的粽子, 因为那是我熟悉的味道, 也是幸福的味道。
为此, 我希望全天下的人,可以因为心意满满的 爱心粽子而感到满足。
有时候, 简单的幸福也是难能可贵的。

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

May and June

If my month of May is called the month of music and culture, then my June should be called as the month of formal attire make-up and presentation. My planner has already written with the dates that require me to wear formal and light make-up, and date for presentation...Which in average, once a week for the formal attire and make-up.

I was thinking should i add in some date for World Cup 2010 into my planner, but it seems i don't know whether i can make it or not...

Starting from 1st day of June i am already kind of busy......but it seems that now is even busier. Well, no matter what and how, i have to live it, because no one can live your life.


Saturday, June 5, 2010


Spent my money on the International Conference on Environmental Research and Technology (ICERT), a 3 days event at Parkroyal Hotel, Penang. Never attended something like this before, never imagined one day i will attend this type of function. I was so anxious at first but kind of enjoying it after blending in to the event. Saw something never ever thought of, meet a lot of new people, widened myself with things and people.

Very impressive on the key-note speaker, especially Dr. Klaus. What he mentioned actually lightened me all of a sudden. Questions raised by the floor member made me think a lot. The money that paid for the conference was really worth because i got something back that cannot be measured with money value.

Met quite a lot of international researchers and spent days with them really changes me. I have followed them to do some crazy stuff such as wearing totally formal but took out my high heels and walked along the beaches at sunset. Salty tasted wind blew all over me, planted my feet into the sand so that i wouldn't be pulled away by the strong waves. The sound of waves hitting the shore were so mind pleasing. I so wish that i could be staying there all day long, do some crazy act in the sea water, hugged by the not-so-clear sea water, enjoy the mouth watering food and the beauty of the shore line, perhaps enjoy the night market too.

A money worth conference and i think will made me changed in thinking.


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