Sunday, February 22, 2009


Rain falls this afternoon and night. It makes the night cooler and the air seems to be fresher.
Having unreasonably excited about the rain and for the first time, i feel like the sound of raindrops dropping made wonderful noise and of course, the heavier it goes, the happier i am because heavy rain clean up the dust and dirt on my car.
Rain brings the plant and grasses alive again and i like the feeling of rejuvenate.

Friday, February 20, 2009


这个星期,过得挺快的, 也许是因为比较忙碌吧!
每一天,上课的日子就是充斥着实验。 每天都得披着Lab coat 穿梭在各个实验室。
星期一下午,到unit pergigian去做牙齿检查的appointment. 星期二早,见牙医去,劳动了2位牙医人员,仅仅的花了30分钟,就把牙给洗好了,外加补了两颗牙。看着他们手忙脚乱的那这各个不同的仪器在我嘴里发出恐怖的唧唧声,当时的我, 真的有点害怕。也许是他们太高的效率,以至有一整时期,我左边的后牙, 发出阵阵的疼痛, 但是的我很当心,担心那牙医没把牙给补好,那么我岂不是得一直忍受着久违了的牙疼?

另外,星期二中午才知道说隔天早上有考试,有5课那么多, 结果,做完试验后就回家去埋头苦读。但是,在晚上11点时, 收到了sms说考试延迟了,当真是天大的喜讯。就在短短的12 小时了,就发生了很大的变化。但是, 我却很感激着突如其来的变化。


Monday, February 16, 2009

In worms with love

Some of you may already knew that my FYP is about decomposition by worms. So, my FYP life is simply full with worms of cource it is just litereally. I seldom have opportunity tto get in touch with them even though we are kind of close. Anyway, worms don't ususally come out and say hi to anyone. They tend to dig deeper in to the soil or the medium that we prepared than playing at the soil surface.

Hopefully the experiments can be done soon enough before i get frustrated or real tired untill i break apart.

Monday, February 9, 2009



元宵节, 祝大家元宵快乐!


Why is it that a sophisticated animal like chimp, does not utilize inferior creatures? He could have straddle a goat and ride off into the sunset.

Quoted from: Encounter of the end of the world


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