Thursday, December 31, 2009


Last day of 2009, my lunch and dinner

Again, after approximately 365 days, we celebrated the coming of another exciting year. 2009 is said to be a very eventful year for me. A lot of things happened, although most of them solved but there are still some will continue to be part in my life and with nonetheless follow me into year 2010.

2009, i have been through a lot. For the second timein my life, i felt so touch on my birthday because of the new laptop that my family gave me. From an undergraduate, i turned into a graduate. I have not been working since then. I have involved in MLM and still couldn't feel how good will i fit into the MLM business. I bought a camera, that fully belongs to me. I went to Beijing, China for 11 days and had experience some solo travel. I have babysat my brother and responsible for managing an apartment. There has been a major change in my family and my view on this ever changing world.

Despite the above, today is also a day that something special happened to me. I went to nearby Pizza Hut to buy some take-away for both lunch and dinner. There was the 30% off promotion on a special pizza but the condtion was to pay with Maybank credit Card. There was this guy that standing in front of me suggesting me to take that promotion and he was willing to lend me his credit card. So i just took his offer. This was something i never experiened before. With that, i got a large Crunchy Cheesy Bites pizza with indulgent Jalapeno Cheese dip for only RM24. Then ordered 4 deli wings as dinner take-away.

My last day of 2009 has filled with pizza, deli-wings and Coca-cola. Speaking of Coca-cola, i have to go to 3 shops in order to get a bottle of 1.5L Coca-cola. Perhaps everyone has been drinking Coka-cola as for the new year celebration and that's why there was difficulties to get a original Coca-cola in convenient store. Even the Tesco Extra has only left its last 2 bottles by the time i reached there.

I haven't been thinking about the 2010 new year resolution yet but there are some wishes that i like to make. I wish that all my family members and friends stay healthy and have wonderful life in the coming year of 2010.

My blesses here to all my beloved friends and family.
Happy 2010.
Bonne Année!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Today's Youngster

Youngster today are different from what we used to be. Even though i am not so distanced with today's youngster but from what i observed, they are more reckless and lack of courtesy. Youngster around me have shown how they were behaving in their daily life and i am not quite agree with how they are behaving.

No courtesy, impatient, emotional and easy to get angry and frustrated are what today's youngster behaving. Who to blame or who should be responsible for? 

Friday, December 25, 2009


生命受时间的控制。 当生活中遇见难题,我们期待时间成为良药。
不瞒的说, 一个人在北京时,的确很想念与你一同旅行的时光。如果时间停止,我唯一担心的是我们的感情无法因为时间的流逝而更加的深厚。感谢一同经历过的时光,因为那是多么的美好,而且是无法用任何事来衡量的。

很难想象 我现在已经可以用平静了很多的心态来面对事情,讲述也不再是那么的痛苦。
曾经担心无法平静的面对,更加无法从口里吐出任何一个字来,没想到我终于有勇气的克服了一波接一波的巨浪。当问题失去了可怕性,自己不再脆弱, 那又何必多加烦恼?
在委屈中尝试不感到委屈,在真心的付出后不再期待任何的回报。认清了自己感情过于丰富, 太注重亲情还有难以克服的眼浅的弱点。不想因为真心对待别人后换来冷言冷语,结果被逼呈现出一些不属于本质的一面。也许,要符合上述的种种,才能够在这样的周围里生存。

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hiding things from people

I strongly believe everybody lies, i do lie and i do understand lie brings harm. Ethically, i try very hard not to lie, but sometime i do have to tell some white lie. Apart from lying to someone, i don't like hiding things that i knew from someone i care. I feel that hiding is also a part of lying. Hiding makes me feel like cheating because if i were hiding something, that means i can't say anything i like and i can't face people as usual.

The feeling of this is extremely bad. I didn't mean that i don't lie and i am a Saint. I am hoping that my life is simpler and people around me won't made my life complicated, the most important part is do not ever ask me to lie or hide something from people that i care.

Monday, December 21, 2009


Life is full with challenges and we are always in the state that is not ready for them. That's why challenges surprise us and bring problems to our life.

When something happened, thing not necessary end there, perhaps it was just a start of something that brings bigger challenge into our life. That makes our life complicated. On the other hand, unpredictable events make us living in surprises. Life is sometime a long and difficult game. I tell myself that i should be tough enough in order to be part of the game. Be tough.......... and yet be sensible.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sudden Decision

A lot of things happened all of a sudden lately. Was it because of our denial of the facts that things were actually happening? Or we were just too lazy and fragile to admit them.
Life is full of surprises, so why don't we just close an eye and enjoy the day and consider those surprises as spices that will spice up our life.
Sugar coated words are useless now and be brave and strong to face the truth is the ultimate solution.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hard Rock Hotel

Penang, Hard Rock Hotel..... We rock...

The lagoon deluxe room

Thanks to YC, i finally have chance to visit this spectacular hotel that is located at Batu Ferringi. The hotel building is beautiful, simple and contemporary. The Christmas decoration was nice, because the colour choice of its decoration was brilliant, the amazing pink.

That place was clean and the lobby was facinating, not air-conditioned but that's the lovely part because that was how you can enjoy the gorgeous lovely sea breeze. The swimming pools were great, big and stylish. What attracted me most was the lagoon deluxe rooms, which have direct patio to the swimming pool extended from the room.

There was a kid's birthday celebration at the sea view Pizzaria. How could i not envy on the life of todays's modern kid right?

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Found something so into my mood, a tripod in its best buy value....Hooray.....
I so need a tripod.....especially when i was traveling alone. I finally got a chance to own a 3 station tripod that i dreamed for with only 100 bucks. So happy.

My lovely tripod

Monday, November 23, 2009


Morning-Breakfast with Bread and TV
Noon -Lunch at 沸洋洋
Night -Dinner at 上海小南国,品尝上海佳肴

Morning -北京动物园看熊猫
Noon -康师傅精炖牛肉面,烤巨型羊肉串配燕京啤酒
Night -呼和浩特牛奶配电视的运动节目,女子9球竞标赛。

Whole day -看电视, 吃面包牛奶

Morning- Breakfast with Bread
Noon - 馄饨汤作午餐配冰糖葫芦与电视运动节目
Night - 品尝小肥羊连锁火锅店的羊肉牛肉锅

21 /11/09
Morning and noon- 参观鼓钟楼,爬了无数的梯阶
Night -去西单逛街,喝星巴克

Noon - 参观北京首都机场Terminal 3
2pm-抵达北京首都机场Terminal 2


I am back!!

Went with all the wishes from friends and family. Arrived smoothly and hovered with wishes as well. After a good night rest, i finally regained some energy.

The trip was great and i was so good and so enjoy it until my camera's memory card burst. With all those blesses, i took almost 1700 pieces of picture throughout this 10 days. Not even my 4GB memory card together with my 4GB pendrive can accommodate them.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Drinks in Beijing

In Beijing, i have limited my drinks to only few types of it. First, the milk here are good, no matter which brand were it, they all tasted good. All of the milk produced from Mongolia, with the city name of 呼和浩特. The Nestle coffee here in bottle is good too. They tasted totally different from what we have in our place. The smoovlatte is one of my favorite because it really smooth and not too sweet. The Mongolia style of grilled lamb is famous here and can easily get from the food court at shopping mall. The best drink with it has to be 燕京啤酒. This beer tasted light and not too sweet as well. Drinking the beer with the hand holding large size Mongolia grilled lamb was one of my favorite moment. 

The picture shows the drinks that i have in Beijing. Well, mineral water is of course still the main drink in this winter time. I have to drink a lot of water even though the weather is really cold outside. I worry that i will be "dried" up by this dry, cold and windy weather. Although drinking a lot of water does bring some consequences, for example, going to the WC very often and always have to carry a bottle of water in my rucksack. 


After the windy walking along the street of "Wang Fu Jing 王府井", i was back to my place and finally had a chance to have a better view of my exotic snack. I peeled the outer skin and took a picture on part of the inner filling of it. The picture may not looks so real because the lighting of my place is limited and all is orange colour light.

P/S: Weather today looks fine and i will go to the Zoo. Hopefully the Pandas are not hiding from the cold.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pictures of Patrick

This picture was actually just for fun, because you can never eat patrick like this.

Poor Little Deep-fried Orange-colour Patrick

Strange Food-Small story in Wang Fu Jing

Me together with "Patrick the starfish"
in front the stalls along the street of Wang Fu jing王府井

Went to "Wang Fu Jing" tonight. Among all those local famous food stalls at the road side, i saw people selling this- the Starfish, or i would like to call it as "Patrick" as in Spongebob. They are actually eating it. So, i bought it and took this picture. Later i did taste it back at my place. The outer skin is not edible, i can only taste the infill. Tasted nothing special.... but the texture and the touch of it feel so good.

Itinerary 1

6.45am - Flight from Penang to KL
9.05am - Flight from KLIA to Beijing International Airport
3.25pm - Touch down at Beijing International Airport
4.30pm - Reach 西直门嘉茂中心
7.00pm - Dinner at Mockba Pectopah(莫斯科餐厅
8.30pm - Stay in 西直门56号公寓

6.30am - Wake up
9.15am - 西直门嘉茂中心
9.45am - Breakfast at 庆丰包子铺 
12pm    - Lunch at MacDonalds
1 pm     - 紫竹院公园,国家图书馆     - 全聚德品尝著名北京烤鸭

9.30am - 颐和园
3.30pm - Mr. Pizza
5.00pm - 奥林比克公园 

9.20am - Breakfast at KFC (皮蛋烧鸭粥,油条
10am    - 雍和宫
1.30pm - 北京孔子庙, 国子监
3.30pm - Nap
5pm     - Dinner at 康师傅私房牛肉面,
           小食 :冰糖葫芦,麻辣烫, 馄饨汤,拷羊腿 

9.00am - Metro to 天安门西
9.30am - 国家大剧院 (巨蛋) 
10am    - 天安门广场, 人民英雄纪念碑,中轴线旗杆
10.15am- 天安门,午门
11am    - 故宫博物馆
1pm      - 故宫内珍宝馆,出神武门,欣赏护城河与角楼     - 景山 (煤山)
              三朝皇家御院, 在万春亭俯瞰紫禁城与巨蛋     - 午餐兼晚餐
              馄饨汤,水饺, 拷羊肉串,口留香,陪冷咖啡

To be continue.......

P/S: Possibly today will just stay at my place to rest a bit. Too much walking from last few days. Weather today, cloudy, cold with strong sunlight. So, not a good day to have a  lot of outdoor activities. 

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tian An Men

Me, in front of the Tian An Men.


Finally, i have chance to access to internet today at my room and not at the coffee house that i need to pay some money for drinks in order to use their internet. So, i am so happy and would like to see how are all my friends doing. I tried to access to facebook earlier that day but i couldn't. Now, i tried again and found out that this website is banned and some others that we frequently used, such as blogger. So, now i can only update my blog through email.
Well, at least i will be really no "facebook" for all these days that i will be spending in Beijing. I will be Facebook-free as long as i still access to their network.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My dinner

This is the pic taken at a coffee house at the ground floor of the apartment that i am living in beijing. Here is the nearest place that I can get wireless connection. The food that I ordered was huge in size and after eating it still have this much left. The price is high as well, a noodles costs me RMB 28, which is 14 riggit.

Beijing welcome me !

Reached Beijing with welcomes of 0 celcuis freezing breeze. Rushed for
cab and rushed with time so that can reached the place we want to be
before dark. Since it is winter now, night comes early around 5pm

It was snowing the morning that I reached, so what my first impression
of this place was a place with nice trees that covered with thick

to be continue cos it is time to have my lunch now before my pizza gets cold.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Long waited

I will be out of country for 10 days starting from 12 Nov. I have to
make use of my very limited holidays that left before I start to
plunge my head into another study which
will probably has no holiday.
Where am I going though? Here is the hint, the below was what my brother
likes to sing in front of my face right after I planned this.
"北京欢迎你, 欢迎你来买东西."
-Lyrics was modified from the Beijing Olympics Song

Monday, November 9, 2009


这天夜里, 弟弟在楼下看见一位母亲, 带着那蹒跚起步的小孩在低楼走走。 走着走着,那小孩一时脚步不稳的,跌坐在地上。牵着他一旁的小手的是他的母亲,正是那位母亲对那小孩说的话令我感到很有趣。那母亲没说心疼儿子, 反而说:“起来 ” 那小孩没有立刻的就站起来,那母亲就说:“啊!阿呢呢抓啊,阿呢呢抓啊”, 然后一手 指向一群在不远处闲聊的一群印裔同胞。那一杀那, 在那小孩弱小的心灵里,仿佛所有的印裔同胞都是会来把他给抓走。 一直到那母子和我们一同走进电梯时,那小孩还在嘴中念念有词的说:“阿呢呢,阿呢呢。”
天啊! 原来有许多的父母在孩子那么小的时候就已经撒谎欺骗他们,还有意无意的给他们灌输种族意识,那些小孩若日后长大成人后带有种族歧视的态度可真是不稀奇。还有的是,可怜的印裔同胞!

Friday, November 6, 2009


今天到诊所去, 其实是陪妈去量血压的, 因为她之前有点血压偏高。
那医生,我们一家都很相熟了,量了我的血压之后,有点担心,还以为量的不准。 结果给我再量一次, 还是偏高了。 没辙,只好换手再量一次, 还是不行。
他说,卧着量更为准确,结果我可是卧着量的, 却依然没多大的分别。
聊着聊着高血压的原因,他突然看见了他搁在一旁高处的电子量血压器,他马上把它拿了下来。 当我在把衣袖撩起来,准备让他在为我量一次时,他看了我说:“我先量我自己, 然后在帮你量。”
最后,轮到我了, 却结果还是没多大的差异。
他问我之前可有什么不适,我说都没什么异样的。接着他说我并不常到他那儿期刊病,说我还挺少生病的。这话可有点怪怪的。其实,我还蛮常去的, 之前不就有个异常的头晕事件吗?
他建议我抽血检验,看看问题在什么地方。也许只是我这几天都迟睡兼睡得不好, 加上生活上也有点压力的缘故。还没抽血检验的我,看来得大大改变最近的生活习惯, 我可不想一早就挂上了高血压。

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Movie: Moon

Welcoming the month of November, i watched a very interesting movie called Moon. It is a sci-fi movie. The main character in the story is Sam Bell, the astronaut who is working with Lunar Industry, a company which harvest Helium 3 from moon to use as an alternate energy source. Sam Bell is the only people in the station at moon which has no direct communication, he can only speak to an inteligence computer which has the mian function of assisting him. The contract is for 3 years. For all along his contract, he live on wanting to go back earth after this to meet with his wife and his daughter. At the last 2 weeks of his contract, He starts to hallucinate and got into an accident and wakes up in the infirmary. Then, a rescue team is sent from earth.

He then discovered the dark secret of this whole contract thingy. He is actually a clone of Sam Bell, and there are endless clone of Sam Bell stored at a secret room at the station. Whenever a clone fail due to some unknown reason, a new clone will be awaked. The memory will be uploaded to the new clone to tell "him" who he is. Then, the clone will continue the work at the station. This Sam Bell finally has chance to get real time communication, and he called back his house. He then only discovered that the daughter that was born prior to his departure for the contract, is now a teenager and his beloved wife has past away. The most shocking part is that there is actually sort of real Sam Bell living at earth.

A very triller movie which lead you to discover more with each step. So, after watching it, i have to rank it as recommended. Hope you all can watch it when you have the chance.

Friday, October 30, 2009


单纯可好? 见仁见智吧!
曾经单纯的以为抱有赤子之心, 就可以坦荡的过日子。

Thursday, October 29, 2009

everybody lies

suddenly remember of the famous quote from one of my favorite dramas , House. I truly believe in it and have no doubt agreed fully that our life is actually full with liars. it doesn't matter either white lie or whatsoever reason you used to coated the truth. They are all lie.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Journey of Life

Time passes by in a blink of eyes.

No doubt, our senses are great helping tools for memory flashback. The music, the scenario and the people, made us think of what we used to been through. 4 years time and a lot of things have changed. We have more advanced technology, more people with open-minded that are trying to accept more new things but the people around are the same, the only different will be the amount, i believe so.

People around you are simply human beings that either you have interacted with or not. Those interactions are what that are generating relationship and a small part of it, telling and defining who you are.

We are always slow. When you lost someone, you try to think back those old time that you both shared together. Sometime, even that person was close to you, you somehow couldn't remember much about him or her.

I tried to be a bystander in this event. I tried to understand the meaning and purpose of doing all these traditional beliefs. I couldn't find a clue on the purpose. For the meaning part, i believe it's an act for wanting the good for our loved ones, although a big part of it was always because of our traditions.

We live like a distanced clan. We gather when things happened. We discussed for problem solving. From my eyes, i can see the ugliness of human beings, but we are not Saint, therefore we are allowed to have weakness. As a matter of fact,weakness are the things that motivated us to be a better person because we always try to improve ourselves.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


每每有任何的机会聚在一起时, 我的亲戚们都让我更加地了解他们。
不是不知道他们都是爱面子之人, 只是不明白面子可以大于一切。

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I found this and i couldn't stop listening to it. It's awesome and i think i really need to put it here and share it you all my beloved friends...There is huge possibilities that you may play as good as this as well, but what i want to say is, i love this. Good stuffs are meant to be shared right?

Here you go, a very good and clear piano cover of Down by Jay Sean. ft. Lil Wayne. You know what, the piano player is from our country, Viva Malaysia!!!

Down, by Jay Sean. Ft Lil Wayne

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Forgotten Days

Those days are long forgotten, my old school days. What have i done on those days? I believe i am too into the life that i am having now until it has became difficult for me to think back all those memorable days.

I have friends that i made from those days and things that i experienced on those days. There are things that happened recently reminded me of those old days. Those days when i was so naive, so believed in good. There is something that i couldn't deny, those days are what made me myself, with my true identity. Those days were a transformation stage for me.

I should have done better now which i am still not satisfy about it. Room to improve or no room at all? I wonder....

Monday, October 5, 2009


很久没有在夜里往窗外看了吧? 回想一下,多久没有感受到风拂过脸颊的那种幸福?


G.I Joe: The Rise of the Cobra

Watched G.I Joe few days ago, It is good. I love movie, action movie in particular. This, G.I Joe: The Rise of the Cobra, was indeed a combination of action, sci-fi and part of it was kind of funny. The story line was clear and there was always some parts that will definitely bring you some laughs.

The director did a great job in this Sci-Fi action movie. G.I Joe really wake up your passion for this genre of movies after the massive disappointment of our worst review yet the 2009 super blockbuster movie, the Transformer 2. They are in the same genre but the feeling while watching it was entirely different. There was no confuse while watching G.I Joe, unlike watching Transformer 2 at the first 20 minutes which you didn't have any clue on who's the good guy and who is the bad guy. What you will see in Transformer 2 is some metal creature fighting each other and you can't have a single clue on what's going on beside confuse. You have to focus so hard just want to find out what happen to the transformers in the movie. It was really tiring watching it like this. In G.I Joe, you can actually enjoy the movie and the characters are easy to distinguish and have very distinctive traits that allow you to know his or her identity in a glimpse.

Then, the special effects are moderate although from time to time there are some very artificial looking background especially the scene on the dessert of Egypt but that is not a big deal. The overall is good and the exploding scenes are real and not too over.

Watching one of my favorite world landmarks, Eiffel Tower got eaten and falling into pieces is so fascinating. Thanks to the amazing effects technology.

The flashback of Snake Eyes childhood memory with Storm Shadow is one of my favorite part in the movie. Two kids fighting so hard and yet so real. It actually created a moment of intense atmosphere while watching it. Sound effect and the stunts are tremendously gorgeous.

This is a movie worth watching and will no doubt enjoys you, especially those who have watched Transformers 2.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Life with tones

My gold plated jack plug SENNHEISER headphones.

I am so glad that i bought it at the first place although it costs me quite some amount of money. After trying it at home, i know i made a right choice. Music just can't be more beautiful than i ever knew. Oh my goodness, i had missed so much and i didn't even realize until now.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Lunched with my relatives who came from Johor this afternoon. I used to be a big buffet fans but now, i have evolved. I become more on tasting then eating. For me, quality and variety are much more important than quantity.

We had buffet lunch at Penang's E&O Hotel. A total of 15 peoples, be seated at the same spot that we sat last year with my other relatives. Around 12pm, the Sarkis Corner was crowded with people.

I had totato soup as my soup of the day, and some tuna fish cube and squird slices and 4 fresh oyster with Tabasco Sauce as the appertizer, . The main course was fantastic, it contained a fried oyster, 2 sausages, 2 Shisamo, 3 calimari rings, and of course, one of my favorite fish, grilled Saury fish.

Then, i had something special, the Spinach au Gratin. Follwed by Chocolate Mousse and a cube of cheese cake as dessert with a cup of hot coffee of course. I wasn't really full until my throat but i am fully enjoyed since i skipped those oily and heavy food such as rice and noodles. No shashimi for me today since i wasn't in the mood of enjoying Shashimi.

After the meal, we wandered around hotel lobby and took some family pictures.

C'est la vie?

Delicious Oyster with Tabasco Sauce

Tomato Soup

My main course, the fish in the middle was Saury, type of Sanma fish.

Special Spinach au Gratin

Sunday, September 20, 2009

When Penang's meet with Johor's

My 3rd uncle and his family together, my 2nd aunt and her 2 sons and my grandma reached Penang after a long way drive third morning. We met up and have lunch together at Dragon-I restaurant in Queensbay Mall. Total of 8 peoples coming from Johor and met up with us, 6 from Penang. It is a huge group of gang.

I have to online Google the phone number of Dragon-I restaurant so that i could call earlier today and made a reservation for 14 of us to have lunch there.

The food was not bad but the restaurant was absolutely crowded with people. For us, we were arranged to be seated in a long long rectangular shape table which consisted of didn't know how many small table. Communication between both ends was quite a disaster.

Here i posted up some of the pictures that i took for and with them.

Front look of Dragon-I Restaurant

From the left: my 2nd aunt, my 3rd uncle, my 5th uncle and my 3rd uncle's wife. The kids infront are my 3rd uncle's kids.

Far right is my mum, then my grandma, boys standing behind grandma is my brother and beside and infront of him are my 2nd aunt sons.

Me at the far right together with them, part of my big family.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Offer Letter

The student manual and the offer letter from USM IPS

Finally, after a long long waiting, my offer letter reached last week. I wasn't at home when it reached. My mum was worried about what's content of this letter, but when i saw the words IPS printed on the big envelope, i knew that it was an offer letter from USM IPS. I wasn't really surprised because my supervisor actually informed me that my application shouldn't have any problem because the process of evaluating students were purely involved by my schools' lecturers and my application was actually circulated among lecturers before they approved my application. Other department actually have nothing to do with the evaluation and the selection process. IPS was only a department to collect and send out those application letter.

When am i going to register as a student again in USM??? I really can't answer it at this moment.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Coffee Break

There is always time in a day which is so suitable to have a cup of hot coffee. When that time comes, it would be my second favorite time of the day, seconded by the bed time. I drink coffee with certain demands, it must be served hot and fresh, and must be finished before it went cold.
For me, coffee should be served in coffee cup, not the usual cup that we used on water drinking. That's why i always have my own coffee cup.

Cappuccino in my lovely coffee cup.

My cappuccino got twirled :P

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Drive to BJ mall for the very first time. Ok, i am a loser, but the starting is always the most difficult part right?

Bought something that make me happy, first, i got a book, which i wanted so quite a long time, La Clave Gaudi. A book which is said to be as breathtaking as the Dan Brown series. A book by Estaban Martin and Andreu Carranza. As a reader, one should not miss this type of bestselling books. The great part about this book is, it is cheap, cheaper than you will ever thought. A book with 380 pages. I definately got it at a best value.

Then, i got another book, The Curios Case of Benjamin Button. I read the summary at the back of this book and i found it interesting. Yet, another best buy value book. I can't wait to plunge into these books at the windy day.

A good book should goes with a good cup of hot coffee and some dessert. Where is my coffee???

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Waked up early this morning, at least that was what i thought. The plan for this morning was to wake up early and have "Dim Sum" together with my brother.
The "Dim Sum" restaurant is usually full people in the morning, especially weekends. We have to make it earlier in order to grab a seat there. It is nearby so we walked there.

After less than 30 minutes of breakfast, it rains. I never thought such a beauty and sunny morning will followed by a rain. We decided to wait for a while for the rain to get smaller. The problem was, the rain wasn't smaller and in fact, bigger rain.

After waiting for another 5 minutes, we decided to take up the "walk in the rain" challenge. So, we both like idiots and crazy fellow, moved our footstep as fast as possible under the rain.

We reached home still looked like crazy fellow. Interesting morning huh?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pewter tankard

Went to Gurney Plaza this afternoon. After enjoying a cup of freshly brewed hot coffee from Starbucks, i saw this giant tankard standing in from of Breeks, the words "World largest pewter Tankard" on the poster caught my attention. It was a piece of art by Royal Selangor.

Stated on the poster, the height is 1987mm, girth is 1693mm, weight is 1557 kg and the capacity is 2796 liters. Giant huh???

Sept special

Went to Victoria Station for lunch today. This month special is the amazing oyster. I am always a oyster fans, either fresh or baked are all my favorites. The freshness of oyster is important but the skill of preparing play an important role as well. I give Victoria Station a thumb up for the freshness and the skill of preparing.
Baked oyster in white sauce with smoked salmon!!! With lots of baked cheese on top of the fresh oyster. Can you imagine it? Oh god, eating makes my day better and the Tabasco sauce spices up my life.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Can't really remember when was the last time i suffered from insomnia. I was always easy to fall asleep whenever my head touches the pillow.

I thought i looked things in a more positive way, but still mu brain can't stop thinking about the complicated life. Things are all piling up and i just can't organize them nicely.

I need to find a way to stop and change all these. May the god bless me and bestowed me with courage and energy.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Have faith

Day is harder and harder than before. There is not much thing that i can do but still, i know i am not the victim in this situation and i do, sympathy on the people that i love a lot, who i think is the victim of this situation.

Open up human heart, i find it so ugly sometime. I felt things got twisted and i hope that things are still controllable. I don't believe in anything now and i don't know what to believe.

Should i just have faith and believe that everything will just go alright? Or i am cheating myself because this is very likely to be the beginning of all.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


哥终于结束了整40天的北京之旅。 给我带回了个古法琉璃,

Friday, August 28, 2009

Delayed Flight

Struggle hard to get out from bed in early morning. The only reason that i am doing so is because my lovely brother is arriving this after a real long journey to Beijing on this lovely morning.

I had my breakfast light, have another light snack on the way to the airport due to the heavy rain along the way plus the congested traffic. My younger brother and i reached the airport on around 8.30am, 5 minutes late because my brother flight was scheduled to reach on 8.25am. When i checked out the arrival status, it was "Confirmed" and stated there will be arrive on 8.40am. So, i wasn't really late for this.

There was still no sign of status change on the flight, around 9.10am. The status disappeared for a moment. I was a little confused at that time. Then, i heard someone asking about the status of that flight and a man sitting behind me was talking about the heavy rain has causes the flight to delay and perhaps re-tour to Langkawi since it was really difficult to touch down at that time. I wasn't sure that was true or not, but a moment later, the status of the flight came back and it showed the word "Delayed".

So, now around 9.40am, i was still stuck in the penang international airport for the god sake of don't know how long. Luckily there is this Kenny Roger roaster who provide free Wi-Fi and allow me to do net browesing for the moment.

Latest update, the plane is really at Langkawi right now, and will be there for another 30 minites. So, i guess the plane will only reach here around 11am.

Will i become the guy like in the movie "Terminal"?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hungry Ghost Festival

The annual lunar month of Seventh, a.k.a Hungry Ghost Festival has commenced. It's a festival for us to pray on our deceased ancestor and family members in order to show our respect and love. With this festival starting today, you can now see people praying by the road, burning those papers and joss sticks. I wonder, have these actions have something to do with today hazing weather?

We, as a Chinese, do believe in this festival. So, all my beloved friends and family, please take care of yourselves.


Sunday, August 16, 2009


毕了业和没毕业之前没有很大的分别, 如果你问我毕了业有什么感觉。
献给所有还未毕业的好友, 毕了业,面临的才是艰巨的挑战。
那么的劳师动众, 那么的破费且大费周章。

此刻, 我只想大声地说,“我爱你们。”

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Climb

I am not a fans of Miley nor Hannah Montana. I wasn't into the song "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus so much and i even felt a bit disgust because i could hear it almost everyday from the radio. I found out this video on youtube and ta daa...... i love it...... i even think it's a fantastic song.
Enjoy it, i bet you sure will feel something after listening it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time travel

Read something in the middle of the night today. Something that cause all those old time memories flashed back all at once in my mind. It were some old school time memory and were in fact, part of the greatest and happiest moment in my life.

If time travel was possible, which part of your life you would like to travel back and live it once again??? School time? Kids' Time or maybe you just want to travel to future and ignore the past?

Sunday, August 9, 2009



不知由来的勇气, 让自己缺少感情,
特别是在某些事务上, 我是那么的冷血。

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


My new PaperLuxe Hallmark Diary.... New design and i LOVE it so much

Got a new diary for year 2010. Well, you can say that i prepared it too much early but the fact is, i can't just let a good diary book slip out of my hand when i know i can own it while it is still available.
The old one is kind of torn, due to long distance and frequent transfer from here and there.
I hope the current diary is enough till year end. I pray and pray...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


等待的日子, 日数一天一天在增加.
无法自己掌控的生活, 每天其实充满无数的无奈.
有太多的烦恼, 太多的顾虑, 太多的问题.
难道生命, 就只可以如枯木般的干瘪,了无生气?
想要的是灿烂的人生, 不喜欢单调的生活.
是我对生命的要求, 比一般人的高? 还是有许多人都可以默默忍受乏味的生活?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend Activity

Went to long visited Pasar Malam nearby yesterday as an important event for the weekend. The last time i went to that pasar malam, was probably 2 years ago. Tried the famous and delicious Gula Melaka Ais kacang, RM1.50 each. What a worth. 

Later, i had some kind of neighbour plus relative gathering at pool side. Each prepared some food and after some swimming session, we all enjoyed the dinner under the moon and some dime twinkling stars. It was a beautiful night, despite the mild burned air. 

I was surprised, my Kimchi soup that i don't really expect much people to like it had received quite a support, especially the kids. I never thought that Kimchi soup was so kids friendly. They have cleared all the soup and even the last drop. So, sorry for the adult who couldn't have enough. I had try my best to fully utilize the soup container and it has reached it's maximum capacity. 

A brief legs dipping in the pool was fun. But with those worries for those kids, it was the only flaw.  Kids are amazing they often do something unexpected and it is always shocking but funny.

Then, the gathering continue with some piano session and with hot tea. It followed by some simple but mind consuming home-created chess game. There was a case that people got tricked by me because of the usualness and the common assumption. I have to admit that i really got lucky that day and there wasn't any trick behind.

Again, kids are with endless capacity. You will never know what they known, or what they are good at. In fact, they did have tones of luck. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On the way

On my way to fetch my brother from college today, i was so boring so i have to tune different radio station and have it opened loud. There was a sudden that i heard some kind of siren, but it was just for a second. I looked at the rear mirror, no sign of ambulance or fire engine. So i thought i misheard it.

I was waiting at the traffic light when one police motorcycle passed by my car and asked us to move and ignore the red light that we were waiting. So, i drove, with lots of confusion. Then i saw more police motorcycles with siren were speeding from behind, and behind them there was a black local car, Proton Perdana. Now only i figured that the police were actually controlling the traffic to ensure whoever in side that vehicle had a smooth ride with no traffic disturbance. Something must be mentioned, i had to drive aside on the very narrow road with lots of car parked at the side just to given them through.

I wasn't sure that whether it was an necessary act or not. I am confused and totally cannot understand why we, as the road users, have to give way to them. It wasn't emergency at all. If it was emergency like ambulance or fire engine rushing to the scene then i can understand. But in this case, it was totally different.

Guess no one can actually answer whether or not we give way when it was not emergency.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

La vie

Should life be simple, or should it be full of exciting moments?
Sometime, we want simple life so desperately, whenever we are bored, we wish that our life can be more interesting. I wonder what are the life that i really want. Well, people said we need to have balance point in our life, so should i demand 50% of simple life and together with 50% of interesting life?

I wonder what can brings me meaning of life. I always want to travel around, perhaps because when i am away, that kind of life is not something that we experience everyday. It is so much different with our everyday life when we are traveling. Time tends to slow down, our life seems longer at that moment and definitely more meaningful.

I almost forgotten how was those wonderful time. The plain and simple life makes me further and further away from that. Ideally life is always so hard to achieve...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


这几天,过这充满甜点的日子。 即使还未开始任何的研究但是却也感到相当的充实, 也许是因为日子充满甜点所以容易产生幸福的感觉。

Tiramisu from Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf



Saturday, July 11, 2009

Night scene

Night scene photo shoot testing

Taken from my room's windows on a rainy days. Never thought of misty night will produce such beauty that our eyes couldn't really captured.


An orchid plant at my house is blossoming. I like the colour, it's symbolizing passion and joy. I should have taken the picture one week before but i didn't bring along my camera at that time. I wonder will it still last until my next home coming.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Dinner & Friends

Picture taken in front of Merry Brown

Met with friends and have dinner together tonight. It was always so lovely to have friends together for a dinner and have a little chit-chat with them.

It was quite a long time since my last tomyam there. Perhaps my taste evolved, and somehow i didn't find it as mouth watering as before, or perhaps i already tasted a better one.

Chatting was fun, dinner together was fun and it seems like when with good friends, you always get so much fun.

Well, i wish we could meet more often in the future. My blessing to you all to have a wonderful study life.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Steamboat dinner

I'm not a big fans of steamboat, but i also don't like to give any suggestion when people want to pay for my dinner.

Me and my brother went for steamboat buffet dinner at Golden BBQ with our uncle and his family. It was a treat from them. They always wanted me to join him for the steamboat buffet because he feel it really worth and he likes to eat there a lot.

No comment on the food but that place was surprisingly crowded with people. Lots of students and even foreigner. After the dinner, went to my uncle place where he is so proud of it-his new house. I have to admit that the view from his balcony is gorgeous and i really like it. He even prepare some Taiwanese tea that he brought back form his Taiwan trip for me and my brother.

I spend quite sometime there, enjoying the hot tea and view, i felt relaxed. My brother joined them for caroms and i did enjoy watching them.

This was a night that i spent in Penang, with my brother and as the first weekend of living in the new place in Taman Pekaka.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


You know what is this 60 represent for?
It's the number of pills that my doctor prescribed me yesterday for my lightheaded.
Frankly speaking, i never need to take so much pills before this. They are small and cute but i don't really wish that i have to make them my companion. Well, at least i will have to finish these 60 little friends but, that's it..... i i don't wish to take it more than that.

I pray......

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Suffered from dizziness since last month.
Month ago, there was a night, while i was changing my sleeping pose in the middle of night, i felt so dizzy. I was stunned at that moment because how strange for someone to experience dizziness in middle of sleep? It made me so uncomfortable but i was still so sleepy and i just ignored it at that time. But i felt the dizziness every time i moved my head. It lasted for 3 days.

2 weeks ago, it happened again. This time, i was kind of worried cos i thought i was a one-time thingy. It happened while sleeping in different room without air-con. So it thought it was because of the extremely hot weather that time. I did google it but can't anything related with it except something related with stress. It lasted for 2 days.

This morning, it happened again. Minor a bit if compared to the previous one but still so annoying. Then i took my breakfast, still ignoring the fact that it actually happened just now. It only went serious when i try to keep my laptop in the bag, with head tilting down. I couldn't do anything but sitting down as soon as i felt the dizziness. Still, i ignored it.

Then when i wear my shoes, head tilted down again, the dizziness stormed in. This time, i couldn't ignore it anymore cos i worry that i might suffer the dizziness while driving my brother to Penang. I told my mum, and she drove both of us there.

Before i went to penang, i did a quick stop by at the doctor which i went since i was a kid. He asked about the symptoms, how often it happen then he told me that i was suffering something that he used to suffered from. He even went for a MRI and still couldn't find out why. He said it will fade away gradually but he did prescribe me some strong vitamins B and some medicine for nerves. He even ask me to induce the dizziness since i told him that it happen whenever i look down or tilt my head down. But it didn't work at that time.

Hopefully i won't have to suffer it again tonight.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Transformer II

Watched Transformer II yesterday at 8.30pm, Queensbay mall GSC. I am not a super transformer fans or big movie fans. I seldom rush to cinema for movie premier or have any must see movie at the cinema.

Because of the free tickets, this was the first time i went to movie on people crowded cinema and mall at saturday night. I always prefer staying at home for the weekends. Long queue in front of cinema ticket counter yesterday and i think most of them were there for this movie blockbuster. Around 6.15pm, i heard the cinema officer announced thru loud speaker that the ticket for Transformer 2 for today has been sold out all. Well, that was the first time i feel the heat and passion of all transformers fans.

With Petronas promotional free tickets, i even got one Transformer T-shirt. Everyone with the special pass had one free t-shirt. I looked around and found out that lots of people were so excited about having a transformer t shirt. Well then, i think i should be grateful too.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Charm bracelet

Got an invitation to collect a free charm bracelet from a jewelery shop at Gurney Plaza. So i went with my family there and found out that today is the Bonuslink member's day with 5x bonus link points for just today and on the other hand, the whole Parkson is doing great and fantastic sale. Almost everything is having 10% off even the coffee cup and those extremely expensive bed sheet. Most of the things are crazy on sale which really worth.

As a coffee lover, i always want to have beautiful and stylish coffee cup and i got one today in today's shopping spree. Not that expensive but i like it a lot, the design and the colour...perfect match.

Talk about my charm bracelet. It is purple blue in colour. Looks like plastic material beads but is in fact, stone. Eye catching and in very special and artificial colour which didn't really care much since it is just a free gift. Oh... forgot to mention that they even served Starbucks coffee for the customer. Great huh?

Then, here is a picture of my new charm bracelet.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Picture testing

The black and white picture taken by my new Lumix DMC-LX3, with Leica lens, what do you think about this mug?

My new Lumix DMC-LX3

My so lovely new digital compact camera.... I LOVE IT SO MUCH. 
Somehow, before i own it, i always dream of having a DSLR camera, but DSLR is simply too much for me, much more complicated, and have lots of features that i will never ever explore about it due to my limited knowledge in photography. 
Now with this new compact camera, i really have fun taking pictures. The size is suitable to be carried whenever i want, the black and classic look is exactly my type, classic but stylish. 
The Leica lens are the most amazing part of this camera and is the only reason that i want to own this camera, since i'm not really a big Panasonic digital camera fans. Gosh... Leica is simply like the Bentley in automobile world which have so much advance technology in these tiny and delicate lens.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Gathering 20/6/09

Gathering Memorandum
Date: 20 June 2009
Time 7.00pm
Venue: My place...

People Attended:
Shin Nie
Su Hui
Wan Hui
Yin Chin

Gathering started at 7pm sharp, first guest arrived exactly on time, together with freshly fried squid. Before 7.25pm, all guest arrived with either food or dessert in their hands. Me, as the host provided them with drinks, spaghetti and some tit-bits. First guest leaved earlier around 8.30pm, luckily she did join the photo session as prove of attendance and did manage to taste all the food including delicious "Belgian" chocolate.

Gathering ended around 11.30pm. Thanks for the attendance and sorry for keeping you all busy all night. Anyway, i wonder should we organize something like this again? Maybe next time we should have a gathering and review our old time school graduation magazine at the gathering so that everyone can be updated on latest news of old time friends. What do you think???

Proven of Attendance

Monday, June 15, 2009

Transfomer 2

Went to petrol station to fill up my oil tank this evening. There was a MIX FM van parked outside the mesra shop of Petronas. Then there was a petrol station guy that asked me to go over there because the Mix FM rangers were giving away some free gifts. So i just walked there and ........"^O^"...... they gave me free tickets of admission to Queensbay mall GSC, 27 June, 8.30 for the movie blockbuster-TRANSFORMER 2. 

This was really the first time i got something like this. Maybe i was having my luck at that moment. Haha.... Still feeling funny about it until now.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kopi Luwak

Watched a TV program about coffee just now. Came across this Kopi Luwak, that i only knew so little about it. Before watching this program, what i only know about this coffee was it was produced in Indonesia.

After watching this program, it makes know a little more about this world most expensive coffee. It was light brown in colour after the luwak "processed" in the digestive tract. Well, these light brown colour coffee ground were sticked together and sort of shape like a cylinder. The ground will then be dry naturally until the water level in the coffee ground is as low as 14%. Then, it was sent to further process.

What makes this so interesting was the way it was "processed" by the luwak, and due to this, the supplies are limited. Estimated 450kg at most make it into the world market each year. I wonder would i have the chance to enjoy it one day? Maybe i will have to travel to US of Japan to taste it because it was mainly served there.

Who knows right?

Monday, June 8, 2009

New Moon trailer

Reading the Twilight series-New Moon. The thumbnail picture of the New Moon poster captured my attention when i opened yahoo homepage. Clicked into it and having some kind of expectation on it. After viewing it, i would have to say that the trailer is not that heart capturing. You won't say that this will be your "must-see movie of the year". I'm not giving this movie a bad review just based on its trailer but the trailer didn't speak out for this movie. Watching the trailer is like reading the synopsis of the book "New Moon" in a movie form. Not much breath taking moment beside the last scene. Based on the trailer, this movie will only be premiered on 11.20.09, which will be November 20, 2009.

Well, in the mean time, i would still be reading the and perhaps the entire series if this book doesn't disappoint me.

You may watch this movie trailer at the following link.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

In twilight

Thought twilight actually means nothing beside a name of a Vampire romance film and series of Books written by Stephanie Meyer. After watching the movie, Twilight, the first book of the Twilight series, i surfed internet about it and found out that twilight has its very own meaning. It means the diffused light from the sky during the early evening or early morning when the sun is below the horizon and its light is refracted by the earth's atmosphere. On the other hand it is also the time of the day when the sun is just below the horizon, especially the period between sunset and dark. Although there are still other meaning for this word but i personally like this two which given me an image of the sunlight that once i imagined before.

So, with the life of meaning-finding, i plunged into the Twilight series just for a little mentally getaway.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I need a getaway!!! Tired of the weather, tired of the things that happened around me.
I don't like to have my life like this, sitting at home and do nothing, surfing net whole night just to kill off the time. Nothing special happened and given me blank diary page.
Tired of my surrounding..... Please give me a place for getaway.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


莫名其妙的炎热, 已经热到无法在房间呆多几秒。
谁能告诉我什么时候回天下甘露 ?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Air France Flight 447

Came across the disappearance of the Air France Flight 447 yesterday when this shocking news just posted for 12 minutes. It was some kind of mysterious for a commercial flight which carried more than 200 peoples just suddenly off the radar after 4 hours of flying. 

It makes me think of the American series "Lost". As usual, the airline business and the operations always capture my interest. It is so complicated, series of operations followed another. With this socking news, i believe people will start questioning about the safety of air travel again. Do you worry about the air travel safety? According to the study, the airline business has improved its safety percentage very well. There were 0.2 fatal accidents per 1 million departures in the United States in 2008, compared to 1.4 per 1 million departures in 1989. So, it is really a safe way to travel with air. 

Although chances of recovering the plane is tiny. Still, we need to find out what really happened to this flight, what causes this disappearance. Now, with palms together, i pray for those people that was on board of that flight.  May god bless them all. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Went to Jusco today. After shopping the grocery stuffs, i decided to treat my mum her latest favorite, Tiramisu from Starbucks. Walked in there, eyes scanning through the display cabinet hopefully still can find a piece of it......At first glance, no sign of it. I was so focus and i totally ignore the barista that was standing beside the display cabinet. Well, i did aware of her standing there just that i didn't really look at her face. Then, she asked, "Looking for Tiramisu?". I looked at her with confuse cos i have no idea how could she knew it before i say anything. I knotted my head and she told me the Tiramisu just came in with its new design today, it is now in a cup shape. No wonder i couldn't find it at first.

Then, she asked, “Buying for your mum?". I felt so weird, how can she knew everything, i wondered. I smile at her, and order a hot black freshly brewed coffee. She ask me to feedback about the newly designed Tiramisu and non-stop talking to me. She even gave me her card so that the next time i can pre-order the Tiramisu by phone in advance because they don't serve a lot of Tiramisu everyday.

I said to her that i seldom see her around here, how does she know i came by to buy Tiramisu frequently. She said she was there one day and she saw me ordered. She is actually the manager of that shop and knew that i am a regular customer with preference of its Tiramisu. the greatest part was that she knew it was for my mum.

Well, what should i say??? I'm totally clueless that i have been "watched".

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

EMS or EU Studies

Standing in the middle of junction, it allowed me to think about what i really enjoy doing in study. I have admit that calculation thingy is never my cup of tea, then what about things that required lots of study and reading but "calculation-free"?

Saw this master degree in USM, Master of international studies, which majoring in European Studies, somehow, when i first saw it, my heart bumped high like never before, at that time, i hold my breath and so eager to find out what are the requirement and all that.

At first, i plan to continue master degree in the same faculty, so that can save all those tiny and messy procedures, but, that was never something i really like to study. So now, given that i have the opportunity to have other choices, which interest me, somehow i feel like i finally have a chance to choose what i like.

The considerations now are the price, and the mode. It will be mixed mode for EU studies, but fully research for EMS. No financial aid is given by usm for student with mixed mode currently. I still wonder since mixed mode require me to attend lectures again.

Well, i will have to think it properly.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Theoretically turned into 23 today. Not much different from yesterday since i was already bombarded by surprises yesterday. Sorry to make you all busy for the birthday, but i really do appreciate all of your wishes.

It is a unforgettable birthday. Although it was not a big celebration but it means so much and really, tears was part of the celebration. The surprises were shocking and warmth, so unexpected but lovely. I have to admit that this birthday surprise was far more powerful than the 21th birthday.

I'm now, calmed, but still with lots of grateful to my family. You all are the best that i could ever dreamed of. I'm pampered by family love, friends wishes and i know i am so lucky to have you all with me. Thus, i will never forget how lucky i'm am.

Merci beaucoup!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


也许,不久前听见了某个名字,听说了某人的故事, 但是很快的我们就会把他们都放到一边去。
前几天,不知大家是否注意到泰南有位华裔商人在家被人用枪给毙了的新闻。当报纸刊登的当天早上, 妈拿了报纸,指着报纸上那黑白相片问我认不认得那人是不是某人。 我记不起了,我记得名字却对容貌没什么印象。后来,妈也不肯定,毕竟见面已经是块4年前的事了,而且他们也只打了面照, 没认真的交谈。 反而是我,早在几年前,和父亲一直到泰南, 而且还经常去那人的运输办公室。后来,想了想,仿佛那张脸孔是相当的熟悉的。慢慢的,记忆开始一幕幕的回来了,虽然不是很清晰,但是相当的肯定就是他了。曾经在几年前,在他的办公室,看见他的泰裔妻子在沙发上喂孩子喝牛奶。依稀记了个大概,细节都不记得了。
人生本来就是那么的短暂,还记得之前曾听爸爸说过这人的事迹。 但是,才短短的4年, 两人都不在了。也许这对你来说,只是一则新闻,但是当那人是你认识的, 而且和占据了你记忆的一部分的人有过一段故事,你会有什么感觉?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Permanent Head Damage

想到due date, 就开始感到压力。
长时间窝在电脑前面,搞到手酸,肩膀疼, 但是最痛苦的还是头疼。
前几天,记得听见一位Prof. 说, 你知道有的人说博士学位Dr. of Philosophy(PHD ) 是代表什么吗?PHD= Permanent Head Damage.
我想说的是,还未拿到硕士学位,博士学位, 我已经快有permanent head damage了。

Monday, March 30, 2009


虽然畅销书不多,而且折扣不高,只有20% 左右, 但是90% 的折扣令我满足了自己,可以购买一些稀奇古怪的书但又不怕会心疼。

Sunday, March 29, 2009


8.30pm, 28 March 2009,
The Earth Hour 2009 Malaysia officially started.
This is the second time our country participated in Earth Hour. Glad to say that this year, earth hour program is supported by 82 countries all around the world.
So, regardless your races, location, gender and nationality.
We, together, put our effort on helping the people to realize our tiny act but huge role in helping the global warming.

I'm proud and glad to be one of the people that supporting Earth Hour since last year. I shut down my laptop, turned off the lights that unused, switched off the air-con, and enjoy the beauty of our mother earth. I'm happy to found out that lots of my neighbours are supporting this year Earth Hour event too. They did do their role, and so am i.

So, have you do your part in the Earth Hour?
It's always never too late.


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