Friday, October 29, 2010

"School" Day

Working on the graduate assistant extension application. Got the form, filled up and sent to lecturer to sign it. Later then sent to school office for dean endorsement. I just found out about the extension deadline days ago. Luckily they told me that i don't need to personally collect to form and sent it to IPS before the deadline, which is 1 Nov. That saved me from trouble.

Waited for almost an hour at IPS just to get a letter to confirm my title as USM student ambassador. With that letter, at least i am proven to be someone that has contribution to school and not just guiltily taking their money for granted.

After all these, finally feel relieved. Anyway, day starts again and i just have to plunge into all those problem again, everyday.

For Lucas

心血来潮之时(三更半夜),给我的小侄儿挥了一份礼物。自己并没有写得一手特别好的字,这完全是随性之作。因为想要给他一份有意思的礼物, 一份爸爸妈妈孩子都可以留为纪念的礼物,夜半无人时, 灵机一动的,也不管他可否喜欢(小侄儿还未满二周),会不会欣赏( 欣赏可得凭个人的眼光),挤着有点困的思维,成就了这份礼物。 礼物和照片有点出入,希望他们看到真品的时候不会吓一跳。

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mother and son

I love this photo of my sis-in-law holding baby Lucas. So beautiful. It seems like there is some kind of invisible bonds and chemistry reactions between their eyes.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My nephew, Baby Lucas

My cutie nephew, born 19 Oct 2010. Here is a video taken on the day that he opened his little eyes to see the world.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

[Food]Homemade Potato Salad

Tried out a simple recipe of potato salad, with a tiny modification from the recipe that i got from the internet. I used my leftover potatoes and a carrot. Pretty simple actually but the taste came out great. Cut the potato and carrot into small pieces or cubes, then boiled it until soft. Next, smash it and make the cooked potato and carrot into a paste. Cut a boiled egg into cubes and mix it. Add in a pinch of salt and some pepper for seasoning. Mix the paste with some premium quality mayonnaise(I personally prefer the TopValue Mayonnaise from Japan). Voila!!! Chilled in fridge, and serve with some butterhead. I had even added in a cube of laughing cow cream cheese and had some seaweed sringkled on it. My homemade Potato Salad looks great huh??

Friday, October 15, 2010


我们的感官, 拥有无限的潜力。 无时无刻不在关注着周围,由不得你愿不愿意。只要你是清醒的,你的感官都不会休息片刻。

我们每一天会接触各种各样的声音,有邻家小孩的玩乐声,哭声;马路上传来的车笛声;对面建筑装修的建筑声; 手机声;还有的就是我们自己选择播放的音乐声。
检查了自己的音乐库, 发现自己收藏的音乐种类繁多,各市各类的, 唯独中文歌曲很少, 可以说就20几首, 而且几乎都是一些比较有年代的歌曲, 少说也有个七八年的歌龄。英文类的音乐占大多数,有摇滚类,抒情类, 美声专辑,情歌,电影原声带等。另外还有我细细珍藏的法语专辑, 都是我的宝贝。

最近喜欢常开来听的是Marilou的专辑, La fille qui chante.(The Girl who Sings)。第一次接触到Marilou Bourdon是自她的专辑,Danser Sur La Lune(To Dance on The Moon)。她是加拿大籍的歌手。 我特别喜欢她甜美的歌声,清脆自然。专辑里还有与Garou的合唱。 Garou是著名的法国男歌手,拥有磁力非凡的浑厚嗓音。几乎是听了第一句歌词, 就已经可以断定是Garou的声音了, 非常的有特色,带有摇滚的沧桑。Marilou的歌, 不会让你发现她的歌龄,你会感到惊讶, 原来这些歌曲已经有5年那么久了。我发觉法语的歌曲都会有这种特色,每一首都可以让你觉得会是细水长流的经典。

音乐,好比美酒。 一小酌就可以让你忘我的痴醉。

Monday, October 4, 2010


最近, 好事特别多。 虽然都不是发生在我的身上, 但是我却被大家感染的幸福满满。 很久不见的人, 公主都已经两个月大了。 今天, 又有另一宗喜讯, 远嫁的朋友, 王子也满月了。 看来大家都是在秘密行事, 一个不见面, 就添多了一位家庭成员。 感谢面子书的发达,让成天在家练丹药的我,总算还有机会知道他们的近况。

Aster & Cheah.......恭喜你们进入人生的另一个阶段。天下的妈妈万岁!


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