Tuesday, April 28, 2009

EMS or EU Studies

Standing in the middle of junction, it allowed me to think about what i really enjoy doing in study. I have admit that calculation thingy is never my cup of tea, then what about things that required lots of study and reading but "calculation-free"?

Saw this master degree in USM, Master of international studies, which majoring in European Studies, somehow, when i first saw it, my heart bumped high like never before, at that time, i hold my breath and so eager to find out what are the requirement and all that.

At first, i plan to continue master degree in the same faculty, so that can save all those tiny and messy procedures, but, that was never something i really like to study. So now, given that i have the opportunity to have other choices, which interest me, somehow i feel like i finally have a chance to choose what i like.

The considerations now are the price, and the mode. It will be mixed mode for EU studies, but fully research for EMS. No financial aid is given by usm for student with mixed mode currently. I still wonder since mixed mode require me to attend lectures again.

Well, i will have to think it properly.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Theoretically turned into 23 today. Not much different from yesterday since i was already bombarded by surprises yesterday. Sorry to make you all busy for the birthday, but i really do appreciate all of your wishes.

It is a unforgettable birthday. Although it was not a big celebration but it means so much and really, tears was part of the celebration. The surprises were shocking and warmth, so unexpected but lovely. I have to admit that this birthday surprise was far more powerful than the 21th birthday.

I'm now, calmed, but still with lots of grateful to my family. You all are the best that i could ever dreamed of. I'm pampered by family love, friends wishes and i know i am so lucky to have you all with me. Thus, i will never forget how lucky i'm am.

Merci beaucoup!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


也许,不久前听见了某个名字,听说了某人的故事, 但是很快的我们就会把他们都放到一边去。
前几天,不知大家是否注意到泰南有位华裔商人在家被人用枪给毙了的新闻。当报纸刊登的当天早上, 妈拿了报纸,指着报纸上那黑白相片问我认不认得那人是不是某人。 我记不起了,我记得名字却对容貌没什么印象。后来,妈也不肯定,毕竟见面已经是块4年前的事了,而且他们也只打了面照, 没认真的交谈。 反而是我,早在几年前,和父亲一直到泰南, 而且还经常去那人的运输办公室。后来,想了想,仿佛那张脸孔是相当的熟悉的。慢慢的,记忆开始一幕幕的回来了,虽然不是很清晰,但是相当的肯定就是他了。曾经在几年前,在他的办公室,看见他的泰裔妻子在沙发上喂孩子喝牛奶。依稀记了个大概,细节都不记得了。
人生本来就是那么的短暂,还记得之前曾听爸爸说过这人的事迹。 但是,才短短的4年, 两人都不在了。也许这对你来说,只是一则新闻,但是当那人是你认识的, 而且和占据了你记忆的一部分的人有过一段故事,你会有什么感觉?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Permanent Head Damage

想到due date, 就开始感到压力。
长时间窝在电脑前面,搞到手酸,肩膀疼, 但是最痛苦的还是头疼。
前几天,记得听见一位Prof. 说, 你知道有的人说博士学位Dr. of Philosophy(PHD ) 是代表什么吗?PHD= Permanent Head Damage.
我想说的是,还未拿到硕士学位,博士学位, 我已经快有permanent head damage了。


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