Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Heard some feedback from the parent of my student and i am as happy as a clam. I feel so satisfied and grateful. The student of mine is a foreigner, but so far, he is the most easy-to-teach student that i ever had. The attitude of foreign student really cannot be compared to our locals' attitude. There is no way us the local can behave like this when we were at this age.

According to the parent, my student never likes female teacher and she thought he will never continue attending my lessons after maybe 1 month. As a matter of fact, parent told me this morning that, my student feel sad when i canceled the class last weekend because i was away and cannot reach on time. His mum said, oh my god, can you imagine, he feel sad when you said you have to cancel the class, i think he really likes your teaching.

I told the parent what i feel about my student. He is brilliant in my eyes, and having the right attitude of being a student. The only thing is, he is not so used to the spoon feed system and the "need to do revision at home and go tuition in order to get better grade" stuff. He always pick up fast on what i teach on that day, even though the effects drop until 30% left.

I remember telling his mum regarding the exercises that i gave my student as homework, 40 multiple choice questions. The mum responded, " you gave 40 questions for a exercise? as homework?" i said "yes, and your son answered it all, although he used 3x of the times he supposed to complete, but i am ok with it, as long as he do it, it's good enough for me." Then the mum said: "Him doing his exercise at home? i cannot imagine."

I am so glad and really grateful. This conversation really fill up my heart. I feel so satisfied and flattered. There is nothing better to feel than this. Even though i spent quite some time on preparing the lesson and only getting not so great repayment, but still, after all these, i really think it's worthy. Just like what i felt when i first exposed to the study attitude of foreign students.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Kind of confused, upset and unstable. That was how i feel recently. Thinking about breaking through but was stuck in this endless rules world. It's time to move my perspective and look at it the other way round.

Life that i want is never something like this. When you have something to do is always better than noting to do. The idea of nothing to do sometime makes you feel like a useless. We always hope that we can have all the time in the world and can do whatever you like with no one pushing you here and there. I don't want to be eaten alive by this "fantasy" because if i really get that, then there will be no "life" at all and lost the meaning of still breathing in this world.

Anyway, who has stolen my motivation and energy??? If they are with you, kindly return it back to the owner.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

衣食住行 之食(ii)

衣食住行 之食


Friday, August 13, 2010


转眼又来到了每一年度大学学子们最期待的月份, 整个八月,就连空气也弥漫了毕业的喜悦气息。花香,来自琳琅满目各色花挡的产品, 好友们手中的那一束由衷的祝福,让这个月份也充满了友情。父母家人们,手里握着那最耀眼的花束,载满了父母们满满的喜悦与荣耀。情人们的毕业祝福,很是甜蜜。

各式各样的毕业周边产品,毕业熊宝宝,戴上迷你四方帽的格式卡通人物,多不胜数。海面宝宝,派得利克,今年新宠-大头八爪鱼,小叮当,各式各样的泰迪熊等等都成了毕业的周边商品。我说,不管你长成了什么样子,是块海棉也好,是机器猫也好,又或是长得怪怪的八爪鱼也好, 只要给你缝上个迷你四方帽, 你就成了毕业必备的商品。

毕业,是跨入大学门槛后,学子们所期待的一样盛事。没了这个毕业典礼, 仿佛就成了少了一片的拼图, 再怎么美丽,始终都不完整。

见到一群群的毕业生鱼贯的排队进入礼堂, 然后再鱼贯的涌出礼堂,让站在高处看着他们的我不禁的思考,每一年度都有那么多的“产品”出产于某“学厂”, 到底出来的是“产品”还是“残品”。 身为一分子的我也说不清楚答案。

在这花香,书香,情谊香满满的季节里, 我祝福大家前途美满,前程似锦!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010


序:最近感觉大量降低了部落格的发布量, 可谓大量的减产。原因不祥, 就只是这一阵子没什么心情, 就连多想几个字也觉得难。头脑不好用了,也许是时候对大脑进行一下SPA了。

这两天,接收到来自旁观者了讯息,但纯粹以旁观者的姿态出现让我想当的怀疑。毕竟,我深信事出必有因。一个人不会冒冒然的来到你的生活里,然后讲述一些只有你自己和特定的人了解的内情。然后又以非常了解的姿态,由我觉得一般人不可能站的角度来分析事情。唯一可以让我信服的原因只有她肯定听说了什么,而且有非常的可能是由幕后人员亲口说出的。但是到底她了解了多少,又或是听了什么样的讯息, 我相当的怀疑。 毕竟幕后人员可不是泛泛之辈,有绝大的力量会给我们带来绝大的伤害, 再加上幕后人员的心机,我真的觉得很可疑,又很大的可能是幕后人员又开始在我们背后搞些小动作。

讯息提供者是相当的机灵,讲出的话,绝大部分都游走在整体问题边缘, 唯独有偶的会提出一些带用重要字眼的句子, 这让我对她本身对此事的了解程度很迷茫。

魔鬼与恶魔成了昨日重要的字眼。 我个人相信幕后人员有意的把基地设立在我们附近, 然后暗地里做出摧毁。这样的心态固然要不得, 但是一般不知情的人,站在他的角度对待此事,然后无意间的造成附带伤害“collateral damage”。 我们倒是成了附带的受害者。


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