那一天, 见到了自己好久没有用的红色钢笔,联想到了自己的另外一支笔。
自己经常用那红色墨水笔随性的涂写,虽然那墨水笔的外观是红色,但是里面的墨水却是黑色的。 是我把他的墨水内胆从原有的红色给换成了黑色。 原因是, 自己要的是黑色墨水笔, 却只买到了红色的,内夹红色墨水夹。结果, 为了满足自己,只好又买了黑色的墨水夹。
就这样, 红色墨水笔用的却是黑色墨水。 而喜欢涂写的我,已经用完了两个墨水。
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Little bit of everything, December 2012
What can you ask for more when you life is on and off filled with LOVE from friends and family. Put away the worries, the stress, the unwanted and plunge into pool of happiness while you still can. My best wishes to everyone. Keep smiling and life may magically become better.
With lots of love.
Salwaar kameez
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Merry Christmas 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆
他说: 俗语说 种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆。 他停顿了一秒,接下去说
也许, 在现在看来是很大的笑话,
但是, 谁也无法预定这种事不会在未来发生。
他说: 俗语说 种瓜得瓜, 种豆得豆。 他停顿了一秒,接下去说
也许, 在现在看来是很大的笑话,
但是, 谁也无法预定这种事不会在未来发生。
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Ugly truth
Spread easily.
Effect varies on different people.
Some are happy;
Some are jealous.
Depends on who has it.
Spread rather slow.
Effect varies on different people.
Some grief;
Some smirk.
Depends on who has it.
Life is miserable,
when you care too much about how others react.
Spread easily.
Effect varies on different people.
Some are happy;
Some are jealous.
Depends on who has it.
Spread rather slow.
Effect varies on different people.
Some grief;
Some smirk.
Depends on who has it.
Life is miserable,
when you care too much about how others react.
生活还算平稳, 还不至于真正的孤独无助, 也没有经常处于水深火热之中。
问了自己,有生活如此, 夫复何求?
要做到中庸, 知足,谈何容易?
生活还算平稳, 还不至于真正的孤独无助, 也没有经常处于水深火热之中。
问了自己,有生活如此, 夫复何求?
要做到中庸, 知足,谈何容易?
Friday, November 16, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Tears, to a father
to a father
who missed out his children birthdays.
to a father,
who missed out the joy of seeing his kids blowing off candles.
to a father,
who was occupied with life,
to the extent that never remembered his kids birthday.
to a father,
whom i believed willing to give up whatever he had, to experience once again,
his children giggles
just to see or hear them laugh..
to a father,
MY father,
to thank him for a memory of celebrated one of my birthdays with me,
the 5th.
to a father,
MY father,
whom i loved,
and missed every single day.
to a father
who missed out his children birthdays.
to a father,
who missed out the joy of seeing his kids blowing off candles.
to a father,
who was occupied with life,
to the extent that never remembered his kids birthday.
to a father,
whom i believed willing to give up whatever he had, to experience once again,
his children giggles
just to see or hear them laugh..
to a father,
MY father,
to thank him for a memory of celebrated one of my birthdays with me,
the 5th.
to a father,
MY father,
whom i loved,
and missed every single day.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
As Paulo Coelho said
"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it".We shall be brave and bold enough to have dreams.
I kind of feeling mine in the process of achieving.
The promise that i secretly made.
The promise that my beloved father could never realized- the one that i altered and amended into something within my ability.
I have even achieved something that i never dare to dream of in recent years.
Let's have faith, and do dream.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
很多时候, 某位在我们生命中曾经熟悉的人,会在一夕间,成为了陌生人。
也许, 他们的出现,是让我们明白到待人处事的大道理。
也许, 他们的出现, 是让我们更了解人性的弱点。
也许, 他们的出现,是为了让我们在受到伤害后, 懂得振作起来。
白天, 在人群里, 人与人之间里奋斗。
夜里,我们只想要静下来, 然后放松自己,放空自己的脑袋。
这样的夜晚, 还真不容易实现。
Friday, September 14, 2012
曾经有那么一时刻, 那一时的沉静,
纵然, 没有人开口说话,
但是, 当时每一个人的脑海里,
曾经有那么一时刻, 那一时的沉静,
纵然, 没有人开口说话,
但是, 当时每一个人的脑海里,
Saturday, August 25, 2012
原来, 都藏到梦里去了。
希望醒过来, 这一切都还只是梦。
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Dance with my father: 打动你的心
向来坚强自立的我,内心的深处, 有一处最柔弱的地方。
只要一触动到, 泪水就会不听使唤。
也因为这样, 我都尽可能的不去记得有那一处,尽可能的逃避。
日常生活中, 总会有触动到那地方的时候。
心中的疼痛, 化成了在眼眶打滚的泪珠,再一串串的从脸上流下,没有哭声。
但是心中的隐痛, 即便流再多的泪也无法减轻。
那心痛, 是失去而引起的。
失去了渴望的, 在懂得珍惜时却为时已晚。
那, 其实是人间最平凡的, 父女之间的爱。
失去了一个, 担心自己老去后我会没有人疼,没有人爱, 没有人帮而不敢让自己老去的他。
再多的眼泪, 再多的心痛, 再多的金钱, 再多的时间,也换不回来。
分享这一首歌,Luther vandross 的 Dance with my father
那么多的情感, 那么多的渴望
那一份, 用什么都换不回来的真挚情感。
Thursday, August 9, 2012
昨天,家里的水管接头破裂。 那发展商原装的塑料接头无言无故的裂了,导致水一直不停的流。裂的地方是水源和洗手盆的接口。 还好在平时家里有什么水管维修的时候, 我总会在一旁做助手, 另外家里也有额外的水管。 就这样, 拿了扳钳生料带,把总阀门关掉, 就这样把新的水管给换上去了。 成果还不错,就这样的把水管漏水的问题给解决了。
Monday, July 30, 2012
合艾的水上市场, 不像曼谷著名的水上市场般的闻名,也不太一样。据我所知, 曼谷的水上市场是顾客和小贩都在流动的小舟上的,合艾的却是小贩门在小舟上,在河岸旁,固定小舟,然后在小舟上贩卖各种特色小食。第一次见识到这一类型的贩卖方式, 真的很有意思。 小食大致上都经济, 而特别的是那里用来盛面,米粉类食品的容器均是瓦作成的, 品尝完了后, 还可以把那容器带回做纪念。用来装饮料的却是瓦类和竹子, 就连吸管也是竹子。 喝起来还真的别有一番风味。
Thursday, July 26, 2012
荷塘 倩影
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Beautiful Water Lily with lovely reflection at Penang Botanical Garden |
Calming scenery at Penang Botanical Garden. Greenery scene, spiced up by colourful flowers blossom.
I was hoping to have some fresh air but sad, the air there, was somehow lost its freshness, with people smoking there.
Even they grow in muddy water, lilies always rise without being "stained" or "polluted"
Nowadays, it is so hard to be un-stained and un-polluted by the social sickness.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Pearl of Orient-Georgetown 1
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Temple of Goddess of Mercy-Beauty of Georgetown, Penang |
Little walk in Georgetown the other day, enjoyed even walking under hot sun. Georgetown is a city with soul. Wherever you look, you have to look with your heart to feel its true beauty.
在繁华的都市里, 还是有一偶, 呈现着最纯朴的一面。
年轻的一辈, 把空闲的时间都花在了虚拟的世界里。
唯独在这古迹区里, 大家放慢了生活的脚步。
细细的, 就如品茗般,
在繁华的都市里, 还是有一偶, 呈现着最纯朴的一面。
年轻的一辈, 把空闲的时间都花在了虚拟的世界里。
唯独在这古迹区里, 大家放慢了生活的脚步。
细细的, 就如品茗般,
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Conference ++
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Crystal Mosque at Kuala Terengganu- Photo taken with phone. |
One of the greater event of July will be the conference attending at Kuala Terengganu. Bus left from Sungai Nibong, Penang on Sunday night at 9, arrived Kuala Terengganu at 5 in the morning. Lazed around lobby of Ri-yaz Heritage Marina Resort and Spa, enjoyed the breath-taking dawn. We checked in the chalet style room, with 2 deluxe single bed and a beautiful verandah.
I went to conference registration, got my kit and name was called by someone i know. Then i headed back to room, and had a power nap. It was feeling so great as we were all worn out by the long bus journey. We had some food at the verandah restaurant at the hotel, then headed for our little town sight seeing, which was the ++ part of the journey.
We left our shoes prints on Chinatown, He An Gong (Chinese Temple), floors of Pasar Payang, Bazaar Warisan, Kubu Puteri, Masjid Abidin Kuala Terengganu, and the promenade outside of Istana Maziah on our very first day in Kuala Terengganu.
The next day morning, we attended few sessions of the conference, then continued with out ++ program. Destination: Pantai Batu Burok. We spent time-stopping moments there, sitting on the observation tower on the beach, fully enjoyed ourselves with what ever happened on the beach as we had the perfect view of the coastline. Fish throwing accident, voice-over story making were the highlights of the day. That night, we wondered around town on foot, for nearly 4km. Great experience.
The last day in Kuala Terengganu, I had my presentation on the first session of the day. Less than the given time (8mins) i finished presenting. The chairperson said that its timely presentation, i take it as a compliment though. We checked out the hotel, packed and ready for the very last adventure of the town. We went to experience Batik painting, boat making workshop, Floating Mosque of Kuala Terengganu, Crystal Mosque, again market in the town, followed by durian fest given by our lovely guides. We were on board of our chariot at 9pm, and arrived at Sungai Nibong, the next day morning around 5.
An eye opening experience i would say. I got to learn a lot. Will never forget it.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Not Copy Machine 台灣學生魏均寰的作品
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
从思绪连绵不绝的, 川流到文字里
一笔一划, 细细的纪录在信纸上
手一投, 寄托了满满思念的纸
那一方的他, 可否收到
Saturday, June 16, 2012
喜欢用手, 感觉你那刺刺的胡渣,
饭后, 和你一起坐在客厅,
也许, 我曾经令你失望
也许, 我曾经让你感到骄傲
也许, 我曾把你气得哭笑不得
也许, 也许, 也许... ...
记忆里, 你不曾告诉我该怎么样生活,
不曾问过我的梦想, 我的志愿;
记忆里, 只记得你希望我过得开心。
也许, 也许... ... 这些也许, 我永远都没办法知道。
这一些谢谢, 即使你看不见, 听不见,
Friday, June 1, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
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Tree of hope- soft pastel drawing. |
Created this out of boredom. Life these days are difficult, and almost colourless. What we see everyday is some metal pieces with screen that reflected the whole virtual world. Our form of communication are all depends on those gadgets. What's the last time you actually dirtied your hands and draw something that is not for work/school work? We LIVE for ourselves...not for others, and certainly not LIVE to operate on metal pieces, talking to metal pieces and LED screen. I seriously prefer old school colour pigments. Even the rough texture of charcoal would have pleased me. Its time to think and do something out of the box.
Note: Who knows? I may crazily turn this into a Xmas card one day...
Monday, May 21, 2012
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从印度来的其中一份礼物。 手工制手绘的帆布袋。 |
很多时候, 我都会在想, 要是当时没有那些美丽的错误, 这个时候, 我过的会是什么样的日子。 教授, 对我来说是一位启蒙老师, 但是他对我来说更像是一位父亲。 教授恰恰的填补了我那内心失去父亲的空洞。 在我眼里, 他就像是我的父亲一样, 虽然在远方,联络的方式也只是通过电邮短信, 但是我知道, 很肯定的, 任何时候, 如果我需要他的帮忙, 他都会在我身旁支持我。我知道当我面对生活上, 课业上的问题时, 只要我向他寻求意见, 他肯定会给予我意见, 关怀和鼓励。 这一点我至今不怀疑。 我的电邮短信,他都一一回复。 而我喜欢道早安/晚安的习惯, 想必也给他带来了麻烦, 而,他都回复了。 我喜欢那种打开电邮,可以读到有人道早安的电邮的那种感觉,简单的早安的字眼, 会让我的一天都变得美好。就因为这样, 所以我几乎天天的都给他道早安晚安。 另外这也是如果父亲依然健在的话, 我很想要天天做的事。
有的时候, 对于生活有些无奈, 他会告诉我说,一切都会还起来的。就这样简单的一句话, 有的时候我就会觉得好很多, 仿佛所有的事都会好起来。 他的话, 很多时候都是很简单的道理, 但是往往都是我们忽略掉的。
Thursday, May 17, 2012
经常会提醒自己, 特别是受伤时, 无论你再做的怎么好,再怎么样的尽力都还会有人不满意的。 没能所谓的完美, 没能去迁就每一个人的需要。 往往, 一天下来, 自己在努力过后承担的都是别人的埋怨, 别人的不满。 没有人会拍拍你的肩膀说你做了对, 只会听到别人说, 你应该怎么样怎么样的, 没有人会给你感激。 即使再迁就别人, 也还是顺得哥来失嫂意。 唯一不了解的是, 即便老早就知道了这个道理, 还是会别人的话而大大的受伤害。 以为自己已经越来越坚强了, 但是没有想到, 自己的坚强程度还有待大大的改进。 真是丢人。
另一厢, 自己在送机是还算不错,没有像上一次般的控制不了眼泪。虽然独自一人回来的时候还是掉了伤感的眼泪。固中的原由,还是只有自己知。倒是隔天到学校时,听说某人问起友人, 是不是大大清早的去送机(早上6时), 所以没有时间掉眼泪。 这好像和早上或是晚上没什么干系。也许, 存粹的只是想要揶揄我吧。
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Being a translator.
This year, the 19th Beijing College Student Films Festival (第十九届北京大学生电影节) has chosen USM as one of their sub-division. I was honoured to be one of their language translators for the event, and also for the distinguished guests from Beijing Normal University (北京师范大学). It was my very first time being a translator. Later, I realized being a translator, your hardest task is to convey the information to the audiences as close as the original text, in your way of saying without adding in your personal view. Our guests were Dean of School of Arts and Multimedia, Beijing Normal University Prof Zhou (周星教授), his students and General secretary of 19th Beijing College Student Films Festival ( 李国芳老师).
It was an great honour to be able to receive wonderful inputs from them. Besides all that, sitting on stage as the translator was one hell of experience to me. Sitting under the stage light, trying to understand what was the speakers trying to say, and putting them into proper sentences in language that is not my first language. Well, i think i did it okay, and it did boast my confidence a little. Immense gratitude for those involved in this event. Opportunity that given is highly appreciated.
Photos, courtesy of http://www.bcsff.org/subschool/20120418255.html
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
PEACE ;有感而发
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The "PEACE" A little creation for this post. Who does not ask for peace of mind? |
曾几何时, 我们对人,事,与物等都抱有满怀的期待。记不起打从什么时候开始, 我们开始从原有的期待,进阶到不再要求,默默的耕耘。 一直到失望,告诉自己要放开, 再次失望,再次的自我疗伤。 一次一次的就这样循环着。 直到终于舍得告诉自己, “你的周围没有别人, 在工作的地方, 你只是一个孤儿, 一个善良没有心机的个体,一不留神的那一瞬间就会被狠狠地打压在地。” 你让自己放下, 不让自己再次傻傻的捧着那一丝希望, 然后有所期待。
看了那么多同样主题的一幕幕, 听了同样意思的一句句台词,纵然不一样的演员,不一样的背景, 但是受伤的还不是同样的我们。 放下吧!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
3D Paper Ball Ornament
My first trial on the 3D paper ball ornament. Pardon me for the uneven edge, cutting with scissors is not my strength.
Found this step by step DIY from a blog. A simple and easy way to make your own 3D ball ornament from just paper. For downloading the template and the step by step "how-to-do" please visit the blog howaboutorange
How you guys enjoy this "edgy" ornament. Once again. Thanks to Jessica Jones for sharing this wonderful DIY in her blog.
How you guys enjoy this "edgy" ornament. Once again. Thanks to Jessica Jones for sharing this wonderful DIY in her blog.
Friday, March 30, 2012
March-ing forward
Month of March is ending. I have to admit that time really flies in supersonic speed, faster than eyes blinking. It all happened so fast to the extent that I do not really remember much about what happened. Watched a movie "This means war", had some good time with friends, learned something new, me and someone both had our heart opened, and got to listen the inner voice. Its all beauties of nature. I have allowed myself once again plunged into different world of words. Touched by words that contained so many emotions and love. Gradually letting go of something i should not be holding on so hard. Still grabbing it though, hopefully can learn to release my strong grip, finger by finger at least.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Another 50 bucks book voucher went for these 2 books. Aleph by Paulo Coelho and The Kashmir Shawl by Rosie Thomas. Happy to be surrounded by books.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Blaming and realising
People sometime blame someone for their pointless presence but only realised after eyes-opening experiences, that someone was the one brought what you treasure a lot into your life.
[March, 2012]
[March, 2012]
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Mystic Side in Everyone's Heart.
We struggle in this world to live a so called "better" life which no one actually knows what is better. It is just a relatively speaking concept. We do not know what is ahead, but we keep faith and thinking that all will be better later, better from present. We live on faith and hope. Big possibility that that are the reason that human still being able to think creatively and innovatively even after millions of disasters happened to mankind.
We live, we struggle, we hide, we cry, we avoid, we do whatever we able to think of just to feel "better". Whatever way you are using when dealing with life its your own mystic story engraved in your heart.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
After encountering the beautiful sunset, next challenge, okay sort of a challenge is the sunrise. Sunset requires a long exposure time with high aperture value, am happy my camera was still be able to provide F8.0. For sunrise that is complete different story as i have to limit the exposure time by changing the ISO and Aperture Value..Which was kind of hard as i had no prior experience.
Well, woke up early morning for the sunrise, hoping to capture it's beauty is a challenge. The twilight, followed by peeping sun, then the rising sun. Everything happened in a split moment. That's why capturing it's beauty is very hard.
I enjoy the ambush of the sun...It is indeed inspiring.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
[Food] Salmon flakes creamy sweet potatoes soup
Made something impromptu that day with whatever I have at home and came up with this special recipe. Never thought salmon can be best friend with sweet potatoes. Wish to share this recipe here.
Salmon flakes, 4-6 sweet potatoes, celery, curry powder, soup stock (can be chicken/mushroom/fish according to your preference) Milk.
First, remove skin of sweet potatoes, boiled them in hot water till soft. Make 2 cups of soup stock of your preference, pour it into blender and add the sweet potatoes in. Add another half or a cup of milk and blend it till smooth. Pour the smoothly blended sweet potatoes into the wok, add in curry powder, and salt for taste. Mix it thoroughly.
On frying pan, pour in some oil or butter, and add in the cut celery, then the salmon flakes. Add some pepper and salt for taste. Stir fried for 3 minutes.
Scope the soup and lay the stir fried salmon flakes on soup...
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Kek Lok Si Temple
Visited Kek Lok Si Temple during Chinese New Year the second time. The first time was 2 years back. This year was the first time ever for me to reach the hill top Goddess of Mercy Statue at night. Serene and beautiful with the magic touch of lights.
Traffic was not surprisingly heavy, as expected. The lights worth the waiting though. As each each year there is some new elements introduced.
Lights in Kek Lok Si, on 3rd Feb 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Over the New Year
Spent nearly a week at home. Came back 4 days before Chinese New Year, and still in non-working mood on the 3rd day of new year. Was busy with new year preparation and cleaning, then on the new year eve, we had prayer for my dad, then we had reunion lunch. At the night of new year eve, we did simple prayer, then enjoy our night at the balcony, watching people playing fire crackers.
On the day of new year, we all had a single vegetarian dish with rice, its our tradition. We then remained only having vegetarian food till noon. Then me, mum and cutie pie nephew went to my father's side grandmother place. Most of my relatives were there, I greeted them briefly and as usual, the unmarried will get red packet (Ang Pau) from the elder, and from those who had married. Nephew was afraid of so many strangers there, so he stuck with me most of the time.
I don't really see the meaning of new year gathering sometime. Most of my aunts and uncles can still recognize me, but most of my cousins don't even know who am I or how to address me properly although i still remember their names and faces. Anyway, I don't mind they don't know who am I, its just that if you can't get to know your relatives thru this family gathering, then when are you going to get to know them? Or should I put it this way...What's the point of knowing them all and chit chat with them, but when on normal day, even though we stay not far from each other, we never talk or meet even once through out the whole year? I don't really get the reason of this new year family gathering anymore....For my own family, we are small family, and we stay very close to each other, as me and my younger brother still stay at home with my mum, and my elder brother who has his own family, live less than 5 mins away. We will get to see each other almost every weekend. So the new year to us...maybe its just a season to have more food than usual days, and have reason to wear nice new clothes...
Getting red packet is never the itinerary anymore, especially if you are my age. People start wonder why are you not getting married yet, and not even bringing someone with you during this "family gathering". Relatives start to give you strange look, and asked awkward questions for example, why you didn't have any boyfriend/girlfriend yet? As if we really know the answer....It gets worst when people around your age are bringing their kids with them, and giving you red packet as you are still single.
So, i spent most of my time in my room or with my mum...I manage to finish a 400++ pages book over this busy week, and i am feeling great and content.

Book bought from the 1M book voucher, finished on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year.
Think back, and do tell me what's the real meaning of new year celebration where money was burnt, food was turned into high cholesterol and everything you see may not be real ?
Thursday, January 19, 2012
A Poem
Came across a beautiful poem and wish to share. By the time I finished reading the last two lines, I felt pain in my heart, and couldn't hold my tears anymore.
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Friday, January 13, 2012
The starting of year 2012 was with lots of love and gratefulness, then was bestowed with some hardship and problems. Life is so, up and down. No one stays on top of the world all the time and no ones will be at the bottom, be looked down by those on top all the time.
With gratefulness, I always get to remember the love that I used to receive from someone i love. Some unconditional love that given by parents. They used to tell us how much they wanted us to be successful in life. To a time that, they actually tell us they just want us to be happy.
I recollected some memory. When i was thirteen in age. I has been having some degree of obsession towards sports car and luxury car. Although i was only into their eye-captivating appearance, but i can almost identified them when i saw them on magazine or on TV.
Then there was a day. I received a thick letter from Singapore. I opened it up and i found that inside was nicely cut newspaper cuttings of some nice cars. It was sent to be by my dad who was working in Singapore at that time. He collected those cuttings that he got from local newspaper, fold it nicely and put them into envelops and post it to me. I was trilled, and i still keep those newspaper cuttings.
It is a memory i have, very clearly, with my dad. He was working in Singapore since i was borne. We had long distance father-daughter relationship. Then he came back to Penang. We only had a few years of family time before he past away. 3 years before he past away was the challenging time. I always wonder, even till today, whether that period of time, was the time that made me stronger or the time that made me more of a not-to-care person.
Now, i get more grateful everyday and i can't wait for tomorrow.
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