Thursday, April 29, 2010

Movie: Le Petit Nicolas

4月份的最后一部电影,Le Petit Nicolas, 改编自法国著名漫画大师让-雅克·桑贝(Jean-Jacques Sempé) 的同名图书。故事围绕在Nicolas身边的人物打转。图里身穿红色外套背心的就是Nicolas。 他的7个同学,各有各的个性。(反时针) 胖子Alceste无吃不欢, 天真的认为食物可以解决一切问题。Geoffroy是一位有钱少爷,照顾他的是他们家的管家, 帅气可爱,家里有很大的花园, 还有一个像肾一样形状的泳池,生活在完全没有钱财的烦恼之下,认为用钱可以解决问题。架着一副眼镜的是Agnan,从来都不会受罚的学生,是班上的第一名也是老师的宠儿, 但是却是不折不扣地狡猾小强,会投诉同学们上课时讲话,仗着自己有戴眼镜儿别人不敢打他, 成天的打别人的小报告, 可以说是剧中最性格分明的一位。Eudes是好斗的学生 ,长大了想要当强盗, 因为如果没有人当强盗, 那么警察们就会失业。Joachim很郁闷,因为他家里刚添了一位弟弟, 他觉得被忽略了。只在片头和片尾出现的他,在整部戏里扮演了很重要的角色, 因为他的角色正是导致剧中问题的开始。
Clotaire是老师们的问题学生,不爱念书,经常在班上打瞌睡, 是班里最常罚站在角落的学生,天真而且毫无心机。Rufus的愿望是当警察,因为他爸爸是警察, 而这未来的警察却最喜欢恶作剧。

戏里,接着孩子们天真和纯真的一面, 表现出了他们内心的想法。 这几个孩子们的日常生活,妙趣横生,可以因为不想要个弟弟而用尽脑力的, 想到找人(gangster)来把那他以为即将到来的弟弟给“解决”掉。为了联络gangster, 还特地的翻阅电话簿, 看有没有gangster的电话。还不惜到监狱前等刚出狱的大恶人,希望它可以帮忙解决掉弟弟。为了凑到钱,还不惜拿了轮盘来开赌局,结果却搞到纷纷得逃走, 因为没钱赔给赢了的老太太。

简单的叙述, 却可以令你从头笑到最后。Sempé的独特手法,引人入胜,把人性凸现的很真实。这是一部你看了不会后悔的戏,虽然你可能不明白他的语言,但是你却可以不费力的用人性来理解。

P/S: 如果你想看这部电影可以联络我。

Saturday, April 24, 2010

24.04.10 24th Part2

I love this...The Flaming cake......
Bombay Alaska from Victoria Station

Creamy flamed top, with 2 flavors of Ice Cream inside.
Coffee flavored sponge cake and fruits inside.

See, all clear!!!

24.04.10 24th Part1

Went out for 24th Birthday celebration at Victoria Station. Got some nice gifts and surprises.

Surprise! Flowers from my Mother

Gift, with the wrapping that designed by my brother

Inside the Red, Hot Wrapping
A CD, Lorrena McKennitt-The book of Secrets. Bought in KL

Starbucks Purple Clay Tumbler, COOL

Friday, April 23, 2010


14.4.10, 青海省玉树县发生了地震。
我没经历过地震, 连余震也没有体验过,但是,从报道上,报纸上的照片和网络上的新闻, 这确实是惊心动魄。虽然我不知道青海省到底在中国的哪一个角落, 也不知道玉树是在什么地方,但是,发生这种天灾,身在远方的我也有所感触, 生命的脆弱, 难道一定要在生命消失的当儿才会被体验到吗?
21.4.10, 中国举行了举国哀悼会。
我游览了某个论坛,发现了一个令我震惊的标题。 标题写着,“pps 为哀悼青海玉树停播”,某人发表到:“我想说.....你们才死几个啊?”(无针对的意识)。 也有网友说害得他一整天都没得看戏。
原来,对于有些人来说, 人命的价值,远比不上娱乐。仅是内地国人为了不幸的同胞哀悼,举国发动了暂停娱乐一天而已,有些人不但没有反省自己,反而还有怨言。大概是因为没有发生在自己身上所已无法感同身受吧!

看了这些,再看到天安门广场上的五星红旗照常升起,然后国旗从旗杆顶端徐徐降下一半, 内心出现了一种感觉,就是人情冷暖!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Blossom 2

Here is the follow-up picture of yesterday yellow flower tree. In just one day time, all the blossomed flowers have gone. From attaching on the tree to lying on the road side. Things really changing fast.

The flower-less yellow flower tree today. Looks sad and now even more soulless and lifeless.


Here are some random photo taken today. Taken out my camera because i was inspired and attracted by the beautiful Yellow flower that blossom near the grass field. I was hoping i can capture the beauty of the blossom because the beauty fades away very quickly. I somehow only manage to capture part of the beauty, which i thing was soulless. Then i took a picture of my brother playing the bubble-blowing.

Do you remember this simple and yet dreamy fairy-tale created little thingy ?

The picture of what i think was soulless yellow flower blossom. Taken from 16th floor.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Movie: Cairo Time

Watched this movie- Cairo Time. A movie that i don't recall showing at our cinema. The story have a beautiful background which is Cairo in Egypt. There is a scene that showing just the peak of the pyramid at night with lights, i love it very much and i think I will be amused just by starring at it.
The actress looks familiar to me but i couldn't recall saw her on which movie. This is a love story movie. Not romantic enough but very warm and real. Normally, romantic movie have very slow story line and sometime even boring. This movie, Cairo Time play it very well. You want to watch at it carefully and don't want to miss any moment. That's how a movie is considered success in the eyes of us, the normal.
The movie started with a beautiful woman, Juliette came to Cairo to meet up with her husband, Mark, who was working at UN and was stuck at Gaza at moment Juliette arrived. He sent his best friend, Tareq to pick her up at the airport. It was dangerous for a woman to walk in the street of Cairo alone. Juliette said she had promised her husband she will save the visit of Pyramids for her husband Mark. While her husband was still stuck at Cairo, Juliette gradually attracted by Tareq. It was more of a mutual attraction. They have spent their very last moment alone at the Pyramid. 2 mutually attracted people sitting at pyramid and admiring the beauty of the dessert. The scene where these 2 people walking towards the pyramid, stepping each of their step on the sand, with wind blowing and knowing that they love each other, is the most beautiful scene in this movie. At that moment, love was hovering all over them.
This is not a breath-taking action movie or thriller movie, viewer should watch it with a new set of eyes and remember to throw away all the things that you have in your mind to fully enjoy it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Friends, relatives and neighbours happened to travel around to some exotic places recently. I am one of the lucky girl because i seemed to have higher chances of getting souvenir from them. One of my Aunties visited Turkey on March, she brought me 2 nice key-chains. My mum came back from visiting China few days ago and i happened to be the biggest benefiter. Then today, My neighbour auntie visited Tokyo, Japan and just came back few days back, she had brought me some candy, and a key-chain. It's from Tokyo Asakusa. So, is it that people prefer key-chain as a souvenir because it is cute and represents the unique characteristic of a place? I wonder.......

Here are the picture of the key-chain from Tokyo.

Front view

Back view

Thursday, April 15, 2010



The Day

This is the day that i found out a lot of things. Found out on how was mum's China's trip, found out recent tragic news from someone that i know, found out something that is going to involve me and so on........These few days are long days, i am having problem to pass this week and i don't know why. It's already late at night and i am still thinking about something that not so important if compared to something on tomorrow afternoon. Maybe this is my way of avoiding dilemma, or maybe it is just a way of running away from those need-to-think-hard stuff.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Something in return

Posting this blog here just to thanks peoples that i am lucky and glad to have in my life. For me, there is no uni friends or other other friends from works. They are all the same, they are friends to me. I would like to say out loud here that i really treasure the presence of you all by my side. Thanks for the celebration today. In return, i have made a simple picture in draft. The year 2010, which we all are going to turn into age of 24, There are 7 names and 17 candles in this picture (add it up and you will get 24 as well.) The reason that i only included 17 candles in the picture is because, we each is a candle, we lit up the darkness and we lit up each other life. That's what you all made me feel and i am really glad that we have spent time with each other and for each other.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Small achievement

Got a small achievement today, i have successfully made some incredibly good Gyoza. I made the Gyoza with the Tesco bought normal gyoza wrap, then i prepare the infill with the some pork that also bouught at Tesco. With some of my magic touches, i have made the Gyoza and arranged it properly on the frying pan. I tasted it and it tasted exactly what i expected. It was good.....and i am really happy. I have to say that sometime, i am a very old-fashioned Chinese that have some demands on certain food. This was a time that i actually think that my mind and my hands have became one. My hands have done what i have in my mind. I will try some other stuff some other day. I finally understand the secret of cooking Gyoza for achieving it's crispy gold outer skin with juicy infill that actually "cooked". I wonder, was it something that inspired after watching the movie "Julie and Julia" quite a while ago?

Gyoza dancing in the sizzling frying pan.

Voila! The lovely Gyoza.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


感觉自己很傻,因为完全对于自己的付出被别人当成是多余的事全然不知。没有想到不久前领教了一次,现在竟然再一次的被亲人如此恶言相向。我失望,也失败。原来担心不只是多余, 还侮辱了别人的智慧。原来, 我在他们的眼中,一文不值, 可以这样,可以那样。几乎是任何人都可以无视我。我知道我对这件事放不下, 只是也许有一天,想通了之后会把他抛诸脑后, 但是我知道,想通的日子还相当的遥远。我不愤气,但是仍然压抑着,为的就是不要让唯一我知道很爱我的人感到担心。我傻笑,因为我竟然到了今天才知道自己做了那么久的傻子。
我打定主意, 不要再浪费自己的爱在那些没有用的人身上。没有人会比自己更爱自己, 我不想自私,但是却被逼如此,才可以免去自己心灵再次受到伤害。你像脍子手,在我无知的身上施了凌迟的惩罚,一刀一刀的, 我想要忘记也很难。作为家人,竟然也让我伤痕累累,这就是为什么我感到自己是那么的失望。

Thursday, April 1, 2010


如果说生病也有颜色, 我觉得我的感冒是五颜六色。因为它弄得我像五颜六色一样的乱。
终究敌不过感冒的病毒, 结果还是去看了医生邻居。 他看到我的档案,就问起我之前高血压的事, 说是否又常常的自己测量。我说打从上次量了发现血压不高后, 我就没有常常量了。他责备的问说为什么没有量?我说都好了,没再高了,所以就没有量了。他问我怎么好的,我说睡得好,加上去旅行, 回来后血压就不高了。他又抱着他的惯例,在给我量了一次, 血压也不低, 但是他却说没事,我应该不是高血压的患者。我就奇怪的问他,血压不会很高吗?他说因为不舒服, 所以血压会偏高一点但是没有超出正常的范围,心跳也快,但是却是正常的。
就这样,寒暄了几句,这也是惯例, 然后拿了药就会了。下午,吃了药不就开始感到昏沉沉了。倒在床上确又转辗难眠, 加上不停的咳嗽, 当时真的难受,好在现在感觉有比较好点了。



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