Friday, December 26, 2008

X'mas Gift

Never thought of getting a X'mas gift this year. Surprisingly, except the pen that i bought for my own as the Christmas present, i got another gift from my beloved brother, the brand new 2009 Limited edition Jean Paul Gaultier Evian. Thanks bro, now i already have both limited edition of year 2008 and 2009 in my collection.

Hope you all enjoy this beautiful holiday too.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

高棉之旅-第2日 (中)


巨蟒盘蜒, 像不像?

游完了巴戎寺, 继续的走在皇家道路,沿路一直走到了其他的庙宇。首先登场的有Baphoun, 然后接着的是Terrace of the Elephants, 最后,嘟嘟车司机就在Terrace of the Leper King等我们。看完了这些面积与巴戎相对较小的庙宇,接下来去参观的可是《古墓骑兵》取景的Ta Prohm.

吴哥古迹原本早已被茂密的丛林给淹没了,多亏了1860年的一位法国人,因为他的误打误撞,后任才得以欣赏吴哥的魅力。然而,Ta Prohm却保留绝大多数的原貌,高耸巨大的树木依然在寺庙中生长。总而来说,Ta Prohm就是在丛林中的庙宇。巨大的树干,把庙宇都给比了下去,树根也都已蜿蜒到一旁的寺庙。由于树根是那么的巨大,而且蜿蜒着周围,咋看之下,仿佛就像巨蟒般盘蜒着寺庙。

之后,嘟嘟车带我们去祭拜五脏庙。 开心的点了高棉特有的国菜—Amok.在椰子里的Amok, 吃起来有淡淡的椰香味,我还特地的要求厨房加点辣,因为到柬埔寨来,还一直没品尝到刺激点的食物。虽说是加辣,但是连我也不觉得辣,你觉得那会是多辣呢?

吃完后,嘟嘟车给我们在Srah Srang 停了一下,让我们拍照。Srah Srang 又名Royal Pool.

Friday, December 19, 2008

高棉之旅-第2日 (上)


餐饮:10 USD 交通:2 USD

购物:~10 USD 酒店:7 USD

第一晚,在夜市买了前面印有Apsara,而背面印有Angkor Wat 图案的T-shirtUSD 2, 布料质地不错。当晚,回到酒店就立刻把它清洗了一下,打算第二天游吴哥古迹时,三人同时穿上制服般的衣服, 这样子,别有一番滋味。

25-11-08 旅程的第二日


带着愉快的心情,再加上兴奋与紧张。 五味扎全的心情,让大家看起来都精神奕奕的。

吴哥古迹与暹粒有一定的距离,再加上路途不熟悉,步行去是没什么可能。所以我们预约了嘟嘟车司机一天,价钱是13USD. 在阴凉的早晨,三人就这样“浩浩荡荡”乘坐颇为新的嘟嘟车,乘风但没破浪的直击柬埔寨最著名的旅游景点—吴哥古迹。由于嘟嘟车的独特设计,让我们真的有乘风的感觉,那样的心情,竟让我回想起两年前到热浪岛那乘风破蔚蓝海浪的时光。但是,这一次,溅在脸上的并不是激起的海水, 而是路边的细小沙石。但,这条黄土道路,可是当年高棉国王得经过的,又名“皇家之路-Royal Road”。与国王走在同一条路上,用丰富的想象力来感受着一片美丽的土地。

第一站, 先到吴哥古迹售票处购买入门票。现在的入门票,无论翌日,三日或是七日都得印上游客们的玉照。幸而当时并没有太多的游客,只需站在柜台,向镜头微笑一下,几分钟后,门票就影印好了。



20米高的城门,让我第一次见到了高棉的微笑。经过了南门,我们又乘上了嘟嘟车,到大吴哥城里的巴戎寺。49座四面都雕有高棉微笑的庙塔,再加上东,南, 西,北与胜利门, 总数54 也象征了在高棉王朝鼎盛时期所统治的54个县区。大吴哥城的南门2


见到我身后水中美丽的倒影吗?我本身非常的喜欢这相片,好友感觉, 也充分的带出了吴哥之美

下一站:Ta Prohm, 古墓骑兵的拍摄地。有绝然不同的庙宇在等着我们。敬请期待!

Thursday, December 18, 2008


终于勇敢的踏出第一步, 背着大大的背包,向一个美丽的国度迈进。



24-11-08, 旅程的第一天

KL-->Siem Reap, MAS MH764, 起飞时间12.00本地时间。
在1901挡口前消耗了大部分的候机时间,终于,在11.30分,排队与DepartureHall 前


1pm 柬埔寨时间,MH764 降落在暹粒国际机场。

注:马来西亚公民,到柬埔寨无需签证, 过关口时,有特别的关口柜台。

酒店名字:Khmer Inn Angkor
负责人说,届时会有酒店员工领着写有我的名字的牌子, 在机场等候。


一晚每金20, 原本就不抱太多的期待。
酒店房间, 宽大,干净,地上没有沙沙的感觉。
准备去扫购一些饮用水。 没想到,竟有意想不到的收获。
在买水的当儿,经不起雪糕的诱惑,一头栽了下去, 品尝到了美味的雪糕,我点的还是Raisin Rum. 推荐之一,值得一试,就在Lucky mall 的底层。

Lucky Mall外观

至于出现最多的是什么字, 答案是:Hotel

但是,Lucky 的出现,往往是在于一些预想不到的东西及地方。

眼前闪过的竟有80几个国际的播道, 竟然豪华过家里的卫星电视。

晚上,打算进军暹粒市著名的Old Market, 嘟嘟车把我们放在了闻名遐迩的Pub Street, 酒吧街的入口处。 抬头一看,就见到了网上极有人气的Red Piano Bar/Restaurant. 这可是美女Angelina Jolie 在柬埔寨拍摄<古墓骑兵 Tomb Raider>时最喜爱光顾的地方。里面更提供了一种叫Tomb Raider 的鸡尾酒。


当晚,我们的晚餐就在Red Piano 解决。每人5美金,吃得可真开心。
那里环境优美,干净典雅,还播放动听的英文歌曲。顾名思义,Red Piano当然少不了迷人热情的火红色啦。 至于有没有钢琴,真的就没见到,但是倒有一个模型的,就挂在墙上。坐落在酒吧街的角落间,可以欣赏外面街道的繁忙之余, 还可以无忧无虑的享受迎面来的冷风。
在那里,听得见自己家乡的语言, 可说是多么的兴奋。
感谢Red Piano员工的帮忙,才让我们有机会照一张全体照

享受万高贵典雅的酒吧街,我们接着特地走到了暹粒市的夜市,Noon Night Market.
要去Noon Night MArket, 请转左。
在夜市里,少不了可以享受的地方, 在这气候炎热的国家,老外消暑的最佳良药莫过于啤酒也。

逛完夜市,下一个景点就是去豪华酒店Hotel de la Paix, 一睹她美丽的风采。

据Lonely Planet 书上记载,在Hotel de la Paix 过夜一晚,价钱从美金300起跳。


Monday, December 15, 2008


Picture taken at lobby of G-hotel, Penang

Christmas is coming. Enjoy this seasonal holiday with cheerful mind. The coming of Christmas also indicated that the year is going to end. No matter what have happened this year, all are going to end soon. With the coming of new year, everything should be new, new mindset, new challenge and new life of course.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

My Ipanema

Went to shopping this afternoon, finally have the opportunity to buy a shoes that i like. It is a flip-flop, but a very special flip-flop. It is an Ipanema flip-flop. It was named as Ipanema due to the inspiration brought by this beautiful beach which is endless white strip sand in South Rio. It is also a brand which was collaborated with Forbes top-earning supermodel, Gisele Bundchen.
With many more other reasons, including the comfortability and quality of the material. Tell me a reason that i shouldn't own a Ipanema Flip-flop. Furthermore, i bought it with 50% off. Worth it or not? You tell me.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


前几天,想到要去洗相片, 结果就到我家附近的相馆。
先到一间询问价钱,相馆的人对我说, 4R, 一张40分, 但不能够在当天领到相片。
走多几步路, 到了另一间相馆,一下是我们的对话:

我: 我有80张左右的相片,请问洗一张要多少钱?
女店员:4R 的 45分一张。
我: 刚刚我问隔壁的相馆, 才40分一张。
我: 隔壁的Kodak.
女店员:要看多少张, 50张以上每张40分。
我: (有点气...) 我刚才说我有80 张左右的照片,洗一张要多少钱,你 回答说每张45分。
女店员:(毫无悔意) 你有讲吗? 我没有听到。

当天晚上..... 我到那里去拿照片,又见到了那位女店员。拿出相片一看,发现照片上多了日期。一直以来,同样的相机, 我洗的相片都没有日期印在上面的。 所以我就问了他一下。

我: 我想问一下照片上的日期是不是因为我相机的setting, 所以才会洗 出来的?
我: 不是, 我只是想问清楚看是不是我set 到了我的相机。


Thursday, December 4, 2008


但是,自今, 没有人了解到高棉的微笑,背后隐藏了什么秘密。
反之,高棉人的微笑与热情, 给了我最大的震叹。
这诚恳地微笑,是多么的难得, 在忙碌的日子里,你又可曾见到这美丽的微笑呢?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Never have this type of feeling before. Enjoy the life without hesitation, admire the wonders of worlds with excitement and worship the great creator of this wonderful world.

Stepped on the land of Angkot Wat, Crazily in love with it, the feeling was hard to describe. I just want to say that i really love this trip.

My dear friends, how are you enjoying yours beautiful holidays?

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Preparation for the dream trip is going on, made quite a lot of calls, printed out the documents and started to pack up my stuff that i assumed that are going to be needed.
Recharged my electronics devices and myself as well, physically and mentally.
Even though some unpleasant thing did happen, but it really doesn't affect my holiday mood.

SMS my english teacher that day to ask about the the grade of the "Spoken English". Did ok, it was what i expected, since i didnt really did very well in that paper, put aside the class participation, i only can say that i will not going to repeat this paper before i find out the grade. Well, get a B. I think is good enough. I would love to get better grade though. But, what or who to blame? We always get according to what we work for. Anyway, probably will go back and met him personally for some advices. He did say that i have the skills, just that didn't use it for my advantage. So, i really need to work hard on the skill for my advantage.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

1985-Lamborghini Countach

I kind of googled about the Lamborghini that i saw this afternoon and found out that it is manufactured on 1985, and is Lamborghini Countach Model.
This is what i like about Lamborghini, with the doors slided up, i really looks like it can fly.

Buffet lunch in E&O with nice Lamborghini

A White Lamborghini, parked outside the E&O Hotel

A very special day.
My relatives are visiting me from 14 to 17. They came all the way long from Johor. I feel guilty and uncomfortable if i didn't entertain us. We are close, they watched me grown, from a child into an adult now. We share lots of experience together.
I was with them the whole day yesterday. Well, they feel bad when they found out that i'm having my final exam now. I won't say that it is totally unaffected my study,l, it did, but somehow i feel that there is no one to blame to for this case.
We have had a special lunch today, at Eastern & Oriental Hotel, 12 of us, happily killed off lots of fantastic and delicious food.
The special part was i, have seen a Lamborghini for the very first time in my life, a REAL Lamborghini, captured my eyes when i was about to enter the restaurant. It parked right in front of the hotel, and it looks so amazing. Even tough it is kind of old, but it still sparkling in my eyes. When i finished the lunch later at around 3, the owner was there, standing beside his beautiful car, and open up the car door, it is like the typical sports car doors which the door slide up to the sky. It really looks like a flying car, the doors are looked like the wings. COOL!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'm tired sometime. When i feel so, i would like to do nothing, think nothing and sleep thru the day. I always didn't have the opportunity to do all these three things before the end of that hectic day.
When i finished something, i feel excited, i plan about what's the next step, and i don't really can feel the tiredness at that specific time.
When people get tired, i think rest is the best way to feel better.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


希望,伟大的TNB 会持续的提供电源, 一直到我去考试为止。

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Full course meal-30 Oct 2008

Here are the pics that showed part of the full course meal, followed the sequence. What are missing here are the dessert-Cinnamon Bavarois, the asparagus and tomato soup and the drinks-sparkling wine and black coffee, Oh.. forget to mention about the cheesecake.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

LHP 456

LHP 456 was a class that i registered for this semester, it is also known as "Spoken English". Throughout these 16 weeks, every Wednesday and Thursday, was some kind of excited day, where youo couldn't expect what is going to happened in the next class.
Frankly speaking, i really love the class environment where classmates never hesitate to raise any question or doubt. There was always a class with laugh, with opinions flying over here and there, and nevertheless, the funny, friendly and kind teacher, Tuan Syed.
I am closer to peoples who are in my group, maybe because we meet and talk more often throughout the class. From them, i really do learn something i don't think i will ever learn or realized in the future. If you ask me whether this was stressful class, i would say, yes, for sometime. Most of the time, without lots of assessment, it would really be an enjoyable class and always have something to laugh of.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

computer down

so sad, the computer suddenly down and can't open at all. The hard disk must have some kind of problem. when i called DELL, i found out that it was ald pass the working hour. so, i have to wait till Monday morning then only can call the tech support. i have to survive several days without computer. the sad part is i still need it for my DAF presentation. haih..
Hopefully all the data can still be retrieved.
My precious data...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Larc en ciel

"Larc en ciel"
I have my own sky, a sky with "Larc en ciel".
One side of the sky is bright, one side of my sky is covered with grayish cloud.
It always depends on which side you are looking at.
Standing in between, i wish that i could be the wind,
can easily blow thru them.
Day will be better, sunnier if you look at the brighter side.
But, can i? Am i able to ignore the darker side ?

Sunday, October 12, 2008


这几天的心情好复杂。 有很懊恼, 又很烦恼,有很感动兼开心,但是却时不时有些挫败感在作祟。
昨晚,依然很懊恼,睡醒之后,就已经把它抛到九霄云外了。而且,还会沾沾自喜。 看来,我是有点压抑过头了。 好希望,好希望,这个星期可以平安兼开心的过。
好久没有那么期待时间可以过得快一点了。 加油,过完这个星期,日子就会好过一点了。

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Free Hugs

Below is a very interesting passage about the Free Hugs. Which is something that i'll like to do someday if possible. Hug means a lot to me... It comforts and makes people feel better, the world is a better place to live with hugs.
The Free Hugs Campaign is an international kindness initiative, that has spread to over 80 countries around the world, founded on the simple principle of offering a stranger a hug.

The Free Hugs Campaign began on Wednesday June 30th, 2004 in an effort to cheer up one person’s day. Mine.

The Free Hugs Campaign is about many things, like making someone’s day a little brighter, meeting people and showing the world that strangers aren’t so bad after all. It’s also about bringing people together and sharing a happy moment before heading back out into the world feeling a little lighter.

The Free Hugs Campaign is all about people being there for each other.

When you’re feeling sad and alone in the world, it helps to talk to people, to share a laugh with someone, to see someone smile at you, to have somebody wrap their arms around you and reassure you that everything will be alright.

What about those people who don’t have somebody? Whose families live far away? Whose friends just don’t understand?

Once upon a time that was me.

I’d been living in London when my world turned upside down and I’d had to come home. By the time my plane landed back in Sydney, all I had left was a carry on bag full of clothes and a world of troubles. No one to welcome me back, no place to call home. I was a tourist in my hometown.

Standing there in the arrivals terminal, watching other passengers meeting their waiting friends and family, with open arms and smiling faces, hugging and laughing together, I wanted someone out there to be waiting for me. To be happy to see me. To smile at me. To hug me.

So I got some cardboard and a marker and made a sign. I found the busiest pedestrian intersection in the city and held that sign aloft, with the words “Free Hugs” on both sides.

And for 15 minutes, people just stared right through me. The first person who stopped, tapped me on the shoulder and told me how her dog had just died that morning. How that morning had been the one year anniversary of her only daughter dying in a car accident. How what she needed now, when she felt most alone in the world, was a hug. I got down on one knee, we put our arms around each other and when we parted, she was smiling.

Everyone has problems and for sure mine haven’t compared. But to see someone who was once frowning, smile even for a moment, is worth it every time.

Quoted from

1948 Coin

A old 5 cents coin, written King George the Sixth on the left picture,(front) and written the words "Commissioners of Currency Malaya 1948 (Left)

I was at La boheme, the bakery in jusco AEON that day, with my brother, picking up some french Croissant and Baguette. When we pay, i saw the cashier return the change to my brother hand with this very special coin. We didn't really care since it is just a 5 cents. When we look at it after we leave there, i found out that it has king George face with crown at the front, and the year is 1949, it means it is a coin in Malaya, before our country independent. Very interesting, since i always have the interest on collecting coins and notes from all over the world, no matter it is new or old, it is usable or already an antique.

Note: King George the Sixth, was the father of Queen Elizabeth II


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